Thanks for your thoughts.
I’ve met no women, young or old, who talk or act like the girl in your ‘story’.
I’m entitled to believe you invented all of that: it’s just an opinion.
100% I can say no women on earth act like that: pulling a guy into a room and just gagging for sex, because if they did it would upend the stability of the human race to the point of dooming the entire species. Nature simply would never allow this.
It has programmed men to be hunters, and to take risks with women. It has programmed women to be cautious and judgemental about men, because women control the health of the future gene pool. They simply will not have sex with men just for ‘once off’ pleasure. No woman does this – as in, none.
As for whether you’d turn down Scarlett Johnson if she directly offered you sex – that’s perfectly fine, if equally unbelievable.
Put another way, if I lined up 100 straight men, and told each of them you can have with Scarlett Johnson right now, with no need to talk to her, or even appeal to her – how many would be agreeable to it?
My money would say 100%. But then there could also be the slight anomaly who knocks it down to 99%.
Are you serious? Maybe you should stop trying to speak for all women in this world, considering you are not one. And yeah, this thread is hopefully to get closed down soon. I seldom have read so much sexist and homphobic nonsense.
I clicked on this crapshow, because I thought, it was an honest discussion of the IGN article.
My bad, it's just angry rant, I'm out.