Originally Posted by Staunton
Originally Posted by fylimar
This thread is hopefully to get closed down soon. I seldom have read so much sexist and homphobic nonsense.
I clicked on this crapshow, because I thought, it was an honest discussion of the IGN article.
My bad, it's just angry rant, I'm out.

Agree, but I'd really like to hear your (and other people's) opinion about the interview.

For me it's a disappointment, as the writers make it appear that everything I find annoying about the main story (Emperor, railroaded ending, Orpheus, tadpole mechanics) plays more or less out exactly as intended.

Do I become a monster when I can save the world? It's just not as interesting or "powerful" to me as the writer puts it. It seems like a rather silly and forced choice at the end and the story would have allowed for many different outcomes. See the thread on tadpoles and consequences for example.

Edit: I meant the thread on Daisy, the Absolute, and the Emperor

I agree and want to add, that it made me extremely sad, that teh favourite Wyll scene was the Mizora sex scene. That was unecessary cruel. Wyll doesn't have many scenes, but he has good ones.
I obviously disagree about Halsin - that creep should never have made a companion.
I strongly disagree that Gale is annoying - he is one of the most chill companions to have with you in the party - I call Gale, Wyll and Karlach TEam Chill and SHadow, Lae and Astarion Team Dramaqueen (I like them, but they fuss a lot ).

The whole tadpole mechanic should have more conqequences and no one should become a mindflayer, if Omeluum is alive - that was very rushed imo.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who