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Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Perhaps. But the game can be as dark as it wants to be, so long as my player character is a bright shining light in that darkness.

I am not too familiar with the DU questline - I haven't gotten far yet and generally have more fun with the other Origins - but I have a hard time imagining how to get the "dark" out of there.

I think that's the point. Kanisatha has made it quite clear since its reveal that he is very against the dark urge on principle and finds the idea of playing as it completely unappealing. And while I don't take as hard a stance as him, I'm on his side on that front. Although personally my thinking is still that Durge and Tav being the same was either never a thing and people are taking one or two scenes and extrapolating way too much, or if they were ever one and the same, then the original version of Durge was very different in practice. I would guess that if it were the case, Larian knew that going as hard with Durge as they currently have would be a turn-off for a lot of players. But when they separated Tav and Durge, they took that as an opportunity to do what they do, i.e, go way over the top to a stupid degree.

I think we who are criticl of this game need to accept something; there was never going to be a better versio nof this game. I fully believe that Larian put their all into this. They put their heart and soul into it, they pushed themselve as far as they felt they could, and this is the result. Which is to say, this is the best Larian can do. If they can devote so much time and effort and resources into a project and produce this fractured, spotty mess, then this is the best they're currently capable of, and we should give up hoping for better.
Well said, on all points (and especially the last one).

And to be clear, I do love the *concept* of the DU, and have said in the past that this concept is one of the (very, very few) truly good things to come out of this game. But I want my Bright, Shining Light Urge.

Last edited by kanisatha; 22/12/23 03:28 PM.
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Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Ametris
This thread is starting to turn into some weird blame discussion. Just because someone enjoys the romance part and is vocal about it, doesn't mean they're automatically diminishing the game in any way and want to make it worse or overlook other issues. Some might, true, but I see a lot of generalisations here.
Although I started posting here in the romance threads first, I bought and played DOS and DOS2 and decided to eventually buy BG3 during EA without even knowing there was romance content. I never played any dating sim and probably never will. I like romances when they're weaved into a story and make it more personal and realistic, and are not the story itself.

I have issues with the main plot but because it's such a complex thing to change I doubt we'll actually get it. What I would like to see the most is Upper City cut content, destroy Vlaakith DLC, go to Avernus DLC, hag coven quests, etc., altered post final battle scenes, the ability to be rid of the Emperor earlier. And ofc the annoying mind flayer railroad to be removed. I think we have a better chance to get what we want when asking for small additions and fixes.

I think it is necessary to point out the fact, that the romance fans are drowning out a lot of actual problems. It doesn't matter on which social media platform I go for BG3 content, it is always about romance, more sex scenes, more romance options ( people even simp for that spider guy). I have no problem, if someone likes romances, but I find it more important to get the story fixed up a bit than more kisses and hugs tbh.
Yes! This is exactly my point on this issue as well.

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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Well said, on all points (and especially the last one).

And to be clear, I do love the *concept* of the DU, and have said in the past that this concept is one of the (very, very few) truly good things to come out of this game. But I want my Bright, Shining Light Urge.

I just about to finish my Durge playthrough and tbh, she is the most heroic and good character, I made so far. You start with some ... problems, but apart from one scene, you are in control, how you handle it. I can understand though, how people can find it too dark - I mean, that whole questline, with or without the Durge, is pretty dark. I love that, because I love dark fantasy and horror, but friends of mine for example can't play Durge and very nearly did quit the game during the abandoned village in act 2 (House of Healing) and later during the above mentioned quest.
The game has very dark undertones and that is ok for me.

I must say, I critizie here, but I love the game, really. I'm very invested. But because I am and Larian still is taking suggestions, I hope that some things might be changed or build upon.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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I'd argue, that the D&D setting does not easily lend itself to though-provoking and nuanced story writing, especially if its mythology is taken at face value. It has a bunch of evil creatures, evil gods and even evil races that are evil just for the sake of it. Unless the writer is willing to critically deconstruct the tropes of this universe there is little possibility of a story that could engage the adult mind. With brilliant writers everything is possible, of course, but BG3 is not written by geniuses. The main story is shallow and even ridiculous at times. BG2 had Irenicus as main villain, an interesting and somewhat relatable person with complicated motivations, BG3 has the EVIL Elder Brain monster who is all about DESTROY!

The game is best enjoyed by completely ignoring its story.

By far the lowest point of the story is the Emperor promptly joining the EEEVIL Elder Brain, after the player choosing to free Orpheus. It is so dumb, it hurts.

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Joined: Dec 2023
Originally Posted by kanisatha
And to be clear, I do love the *concept* of the DU, and have said in the past that this concept is one of the (very, very few) truly good things to come out of this game. But I want my Bright, Shining Light Urge.
I don't think it is possible. It might have been with how the urge was shown only in few dialogues in the EA, but as it is now, while you can play resist, the character's backstory is pretty much chaotic evil. I have made it almost through act two, and frankly, the more I've learned about the DU past, the less I've liked my character. And trying to learn about the characters past sometimes lead to a gruesome scene, as they tried to remember, so effectively my playthrough felt like it was about avoiding DU content rather than resisting it.

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Originally Posted by saeran
Originally Posted by kanisatha
And to be clear, I do love the *concept* of the DU, and have said in the past that this concept is one of the (very, very few) truly good things to come out of this game. But I want my Bright, Shining Light Urge.
I don't think it is possible. It might have been with how the urge was shown only in few dialogues in the EA, but as it is now, while you can play resist, the character's backstory is pretty much chaotic evil. I have made it almost through act two, and frankly, the more I've learned about the DU past, the less I've liked my character. And trying to learn about the characters past sometimes lead to a gruesome scene, as they tried to remember, so effectively my playthrough felt like it was about avoiding DU content rather than resisting it.

It is possible - with Durges background it is clear (and please only read this, if you don't care about spoilers),
that they are Bhaals essence and basically his puppet until the tadpole gave them free will - similar to Astarion and Cazador actually. Withers/Jergal will tell you so, when you resist in act 3 and he has to step in to save you. He tells you, that you now will be able to live free from your fathers/master clutches and can finally do, what you want. And if you play Durge as a good character, then that is, what your character would have been without Bhaals influence over you.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Joined: Dec 2023
Originally Posted by fylimar
It is possible - with Durges background it is clear (and please only read this, if you don't care about spoilers),
that they are Bhaals essence and basically his puppet until the tadpole gave them free will - similar to Astarion and Cazador actually. Withers/Jergal will tell you so, when you resist in act 3 and he has to step in to save you. He tells you, that you now will be able to live free from your fathers/master clutches and can finally do, what you want. And if you play Durge as a good character, then that is, what your character would have been without Bhaals influence over you.
This doesn't change much for me, tbh, considering a certain event happens only after they get tadpoled. And well, DU gets away with it, because none of the companions care, not even the good ones. Also, I'd have to metagme and reload some other events, which are optional, but I have not managed always to avoid them.

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Joined: Dec 2023
On a side note, from what I've heard the DU plot
works like the tadpoles, that is whether you resist or give in doesn't impact the final choice (like using the tadpoles doesn't impact the choice with absolute).

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by fylimar
I think it is necessary to point out the fact, that the romance fans are drowning out a lot of actual problems. It doesn't matter on which social media platform I go for BG3 content, it is always about romance, more sex scenes, more romance options ( people even simp for that spider guy). I have no problem, if someone likes romances, but I find it more important to get the story fixed up a bit than more kisses and hugs tbh.
And pointing it out is not blaming, by all means write about the Astarion romance if you like ( I assume, that he is your favourite, based on your avatar), but I don't have to agree with the notion, that Astarion needs more romance scenes more than the plot needs a rewrite. If you think, that me pointing out, that there is a weird imbalance of topic is blaming, then that is your interpretation of my words? Do I role my eyes every time I see a 'Fix romance scene of character xyz'? Yes, I do. Do I say, you can't post those topics? No, I don't.

My comment wasn't about you directly, it was more about the derailment of the thread and hyperbolic claims I've seen here that if you're vocal about the romance content then you're automatically a romance simulator player with brain rot who doesn't care about anything else and you have some evil agenda to destroy the game for others. I never said Astarion needs more romance scenes than the plot needs a rewrite. I wholeheartedly agree that the story is messy and needs the most attention. Act 3 is basicly in early access.

Originally Posted by Milkfred
(...)I know people at Larian IRL who've explicitly told me the Emperor was a late addition to the game, included specifically to encourage the player to engage with the tadpole powers Larian had crafted. Again, this is not something Larian's creative heads will go on record as stating in an interview. Really, can you imagine Swen going 'Yeah, so we invented these awesome tadpole powers and a plot that really only worked if the player used them, and we couldn't manage to craft a way for the story to work without them, so we came up with this guy who 'but thou musts' them constantly?'

Interesting stuff. Personally for me, the Emperor made me want to use the powers less. It was too encouraging, too try hard in wanting to gain my trust. Just because some stranger who helped me once or twice told me 'this is good for you, use it, I will protect you' doesn't mean I wanna do it. In fact, it makes me feel dependent on him, and possibly being indebted to him, which holds zero appeal to me. I wish the game would allow me to swap
it for Orpheus earlier. I can't stand the Emperor and it's annoying I'm saddled with it till the end of the game.

Same with Karlach - I don't want to
squidify myself, Orpheus or blow up Gale.
So now if I want to finish the game the way I'd like to I have to keep this intellectually inept, one-dimensional person in my team.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Anska
You are jesting but there are a bunch of Sims mods that focus on making the game more challenging. ^^

Apart from that I have the impression that prettifying mods are in general the most on demand "QoL" mods not just for BG3. I do like the game for more than my lovely pixelfriends but I still like to give them nice clothing in pretty colours once I find suitable stuff, it reflects the progress of their journey. Proclaiming your love for that one character and still going out of your way to put him in skimpy clothing at the first opportunity is where it looses me.

There are also lots of mods for Sims which are explicitly sexual. rpg006

Yes cosmetic mods are a feature of most RPG modding but it is the ratio of cosmetic to non-cosmetic which tells the tale.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Milkfred
It's outright nonsensical that one tadpole in your brain is a death sentence that will devour you from the inside out mind, body and soul... but putting more tadpoles in there doesn't rate a mention and I'm pretty sure no one ever mentions you have more than one.

I'm not entirely sure you're actually putting more tadpoles into your head. I know the graphic for obtaining new Illithid powers is you pick up a tadpole and drop it into a part of your brain for it to burrow in. But it doesn't make sense for multiple tadpoles to exist within a single occupant.

Also, usage of the first additional tadpoles suggest "Absorbing its power", in addition to the Astral Tadpole being usable multiple times (How would it burrow into your brain and still be available to burrow into your companions too?). We already have several mentions of the singular tadpole gaining in power (Ormeluum's probing annoys it and it burrows deeper unlocking the new skill. The Zaith'isk you can channel power into it empowering all Illithid powers to be bonus actions). So it's possible that the singular tadpole is just taking the power from the additional ones, which it then uses to do some (Directed) ceremorphosis.

Originally Posted by Milkfred
That seems really easy! It seems like a simple binary. They end Act 1 and they have the tadpole or they don't. But then you hit Act 2 and, well, now you need to write a lot more Raphael content. And he got the tadpole he wanted from you, so, why should he even hang around?

Umm... He's a devil. Meaning he doesn't do a charity. He'd want something in return for removing the tadpole. Ergo, he has a reason to stick around. To ensure you fulfil your end of the bargain as well as to tempt any other party members who didn't agree to his terms (Wyll and Karlach for example would be extremely resistant to his offer).

Originally Posted by Milkfred
Omeluum's Ring -- what happens if the player removes it? Why can't the player get the ring and then make a deal with Raphael? Is the player going to feel 'cheated' by having to give up an equipment slot for a narrative reason? Can they use the ring then remove the tadpole? Is the ring total immunity or only partial?

It's easy. The ring can mitigate negative effects of keeping the tadpole, much like if they had Raphael remove it. Without having to do Raphael's bidding. While still searching for a way to remove the tadpole like if they neither had Raphael remove it nor the ring.

If you really wanted, you could even write in some in-camp fighting over the ring as the story progresses and party members become more desperate to alleviate their concerns of their own tadpoles. Give it some LotR flair if you want.

Heck, tie in romances into it. Let you gift your partner the ring because you want to save them.

Originally Posted by Milkfred
Keeping the tadpole -- is that fun for the player to get mind-controlled? What if the player gets to the end the Elder Brain just takes them over? Is that a possibility? If not, then why not? What if the player keeps it and never uses the powers? What if they keep it and use it all the time? How much are you willing to punish the player for a decision they made thirty hours ago, even as signposted as an bad idea as it is? If the player can keep the tadpole but resist the bad effects, then what's the point of the ring and Raphael?

Honestly, it could have been interesting to see various thoughts and actions try and take over your character, with associated saving throws caused by its mind-controlling effect. As far as using powers and the like... Using the powers shouldn't affect it since that's just you using your (Partially ceremorphed) brain. Gaining powers however, could make the aforementioned saves higher and/or more frequent as that is you furthering the ceremorphosis process.

Allowing for a better representation of "Do I give in and obtain these cool powers? Or do I stay pure and retain my humanity?" as opposed to the current iteration of "LMAO lets just take all the T1 powers at no consequence"

All in all, it's not hard to continue the concepts outlined in Act 1 and make them have a cohesive Act 2 and Act 3 core story progression. 2 paths still lead to "Look for a way to remove the tadpole" and 1 path would be "Follow the whims of Raphael" which could conveniently coincide with the other 2 paths (It borderline does anyway if Raphael simply sends you to Yugir instead of pretending to warn you away from the place. Just make up a reason for Raphael to send you to Gortash + Orin + Brainsly in case you don't confront him at the house of hope)

Last edited by Taril; 22/12/23 07:01 PM.
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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by Ametris
My comment wasn't about you directly, it was more about the derailment of the thread and hyperbolic claims I've seen here that if you're vocal about the romance content then you're automatically a romance simulator player with brain rot who doesn't care about anything else and you have some evil agenda to destroy the game for others. I never said Astarion needs more romance scenes than the plot needs a rewrite. I wholeheartedly agree that the story is messy and needs the most attention. Act 3 is basicly in early access.

I would never say, that because you liek romance, you are stupid or something. SOme of my friends are big romance fans and they are very intelligent. And I used Astarion as an example, because I saw your avatar, nothing more.
I just wanted to emphasise that the problem with the popularity of the romances is, that a lot of other stuff gets downed.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by saeran
Originally Posted by fylimar
It is possible - with Durges background it is clear (and please only read this, if you don't care about spoilers),
that they are Bhaals essence and basically his puppet until the tadpole gave them free will - similar to Astarion and Cazador actually. Withers/Jergal will tell you so, when you resist in act 3 and he has to step in to save you. He tells you, that you now will be able to live free from your fathers/master clutches and can finally do, what you want. And if you play Durge as a good character, then that is, what your character would have been without Bhaals influence over you.
This doesn't change much for me, tbh, considering a certain event happens only after they get tadpoled. And well, DU gets away with it, because none of the companions care, not even the good ones. Also, I'd have to metagme and reload some other events, which are optional, but I have not managed always to avoid them.

That certain event is because a certain father figure still has a bit of control over you - your story is to break free or embrace it

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Originally Posted by fylimar
I would never say, that because you liek romance, you are stupid or something. SOme of my friends are big romance fans and they are very intelligent. And I used Astarion as an example, because I saw your avatar, nothing more.
I just wanted to emphasise that the problem with the popularity of the romances is, that a lot of other stuff gets downed.

It's all good, no worries, again I was speaking of the overall feel the thread started to give, summarising multiple comments from several users. I think Larian should take everything into consideration but first fix whatever needs fixing the most, which currently is - the plot, plotholes, act 3 mess. In the end, it's up to them to prioritise whatever they want and they have multiple teams for different things.

Back on topic. What bothers me when it comes to writing is how the evil path is underdeveloped and mostly equated with just being a murder hobo who loves gore and leaving places as wastelands. A lot of things work strange too, and just make you miss out on content, to name a few: Gortash deal working out the way it does, Nere always being doomed, not saving Wyll's father not giving the dragon quest in an alternative way, no evil companions as a counterbalance to Jaheira and Minsc, etc.

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old hand
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Originally Posted by Ametris
not saving Wyll's father not giving the dragon quest in an alternative way

I got it from another person.
Via Mizora of all people. After breaking Wyll's contract, she put some of the Duke's friends/comrades on our trail by putting the blame for the Duke's disappearance on the group (or on Wyll, I don't remember, I was very surprised) after talking her (Wyll's father's friend, I mean) down, we got the quest.

Last edited by Anska; 22/12/23 08:26 PM.
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Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by Ametris
not saving Wyll's father not giving the dragon quest in an alternative way

I got it from another person.
Via Mizora of all people. After breaking Wyll's contract, she put some of the Duke's friends/comrades on our trail by putting the blame for the Duke's disappearance on the group (or on Wyll, I don't remember, I was very surprised) after talking her down, we got the quest.

That's patch 5 stuff I think, at least I never had it before the patch.

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She was just chilling in my camp doing nothing.
I also broke his contract earlier. Actually I went to the Iron Throne and turned back when Gortash started getting agitated about it. Then weirdly enough I could laugh in her face how I supposedly saved the Duke, when I didn't. So I reloaded and didn't talk to her anymore, because it made no sense. I didn't go back there and Wyll's story remained unfinished. No dragon quest from anyone. I tried a separate save to test what would happen if I did save him and that's the only time I could get the quest.

Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
That's patch 5 stuff I think, at least I never had it before the patch.

Oh, that would explain. I finished the game during patch 3.

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Ah! It was very nice and very cool, in any case. The new addition I mean.

Last edited by Anska; 22/12/23 08:31 PM.
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I'm going to blatantly ignore a few posts to get back at the main story, and whether or not that is required; much in response to MalacPok above, and some earlier posts.

BG3, as it predecessors were designed to bring the D&D experience to a computer game. And even though I'm in no way impressed with the main story of this game it is *still* better than any of the stories we've ever played at the table. I mean, I don't know about you - but we usually just talk to some regent, go and find an evil cult/necromancer/monster/enclave and deal with that - to return for fame and treasure. It's not to say good stories aren't told within that frame, but that's the gist of it.

'Alduin, the world eater has returned. Dragons are roaming the sky. You must stop this evil.' - Good enough for me, really.

And the Baldur's Gate series has always done the same thing. There's a main plot that isn't complicated in the slightest - there's a big bad at the end, and regardless of how you get there, you'll always end up fighting that dude. In all of these games, it's much more about the journey than it is the conclusion. And it that, I think Larian succeeded with BG3 with flying colors. Playing the game - exploring and affecting the world around you is a *lot* of fun in this game.

Progressing through the actual main story is a bit of a drag here, though. And that is that there is no really good villain. The Three Villains have a lot of potential, but they all get a little introduction but by the time you meet them, you're already well on your way to deposing them. All the while the Emperor gets a *lot* of attention constantly, where he actually isn't really important in the grand scheme of things.

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.
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Originally Posted by Jordaker
Originally Posted by Anska
You are jesting but there are a bunch of Sims mods that focus on making the game more challenging. ^^

Apart from that I have the impression that prettifying mods are in general the most on demand "QoL" mods not just for BG3. I do like the game for more than my lovely pixelfriends but I still like to give them nice clothing in pretty colours once I find suitable stuff, it reflects the progress of their journey. Proclaiming your love for that one character and still going out of your way to put him in skimpy clothing at the first opportunity is where it looses me.

There are also lots of mods for Sims which are explicitly sexual. rpg006

Yes cosmetic mods are a feature of most RPG modding but it is the ratio of cosmetic to non-cosmetic which tells the tale.

Maybe it just tells you how much easier it is to make a cosmetic mod, compared to a "systemic" mod. I 'm not a modder, but I'm just guessing that adding some hairstyles or clothings from the game to the character creation would be easier than improving the camera motion or the party's group-movement , let alone the storyline.

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