Honestly, I have no idea what was going through the writer's mind when they thought it was a good idea to include this crap. Now, every time I play Baldur's Gate in the future and
remember the romance with Shadowheart, the first thing that will come to my mind will be "oh Shadowheart, that girl who fantasized about a muscular man while with me and probably
masturbated at night thinking about him, and who disapproved of me when I forbade her from bang with him." All the writer did with this was tarnish her character's reputation,
so much so that I've already seen some comments calling her shadowWh**e. If this is the image the writer wanted to portray of their character, well congratulations, they've achieved
it. What a stupid way to ruin what could have been one of the most beautiful romances in the game. That's all I'll say