Originally Posted by fylimar
I honestly never had a problem with Astarion at all. He initiated once a dialogue, where I could have flirted with him, but I didn't and he just said, I'm no fun and left it at this. The topice never came up again. Same with Gale, same with Wyll, Karlach or Lae'zel. SH doesn't even approach you directly.
I mean, I guess, it depends in which order you talk to the companions at the party, but I never got creepy vibes from any of them.
It was long after the party. I have played EA so I assumed it would work like this, that the party was the deciding moment and that was it. But then Astarion approached my character a second time, so I think Larian might have put other triggers depending on whom you had highest approval with. Gale's bug was weird, he just assumed that he was in relationship with the main character. Tbh, I have no insight into the mechanics, but later Larian posted that it was a bug that all companions were into Tav so much. And well, it is expected that people have different experiences, but it felt like a double standard when trying to have a discussion about certain characters back then.