Originally Posted by EdaLee
She is interested, she tells the MC too. I don't think that changed, it was about her dream.
Interested in threesome, yes. No romantic interest.
Interested in MC doing the deed with Halsin? Perhaps. But if you do, she doesn't do anything with him outside of brothel scene which is not connected anyway. No romantic interest.
When not romanced - shows no interest in Halsin overall, doesn't even propose herself in a brothel scene even if MC goes there with romanced Halsin. No romantic interest again.
That is why I call it random, even if you romance both, she doesn't even aknowledge him outside of 1 brothel scene. She even acts like he doesn't exist in the epilogue in all of her options(unromanced, romanced alone, romanced with Halsin).
Originally Posted by saeran
I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I have done Sh's romance and she sounded interested in Halsing herself when talking about the possible threesome. So I'd not say this is out of character for her, based on my experience of her romance. But from the discord discussions I've noticed some male players view her as some sort of sheltered cloister girl fantasy, which I think is out of character for a Sharran. And I also remember, her early EA version was a bit different, but male players complained and the writing was changed.
Yes, but even if you do engage Halsin romance with active SH romance - she does nothing and doesn't acknowledge him outside of brothel scene(which is not connected anyway to his romace).

Also what was her writing in EA? Just curious.

Last edited by Netav; 24/12/23 01:56 PM.