Originally Posted by Vua
Unless it was something I read in this thread I wouldn't know. What I'm trying to do is understand the logic.
Alright then, lots of us have experienced the unwanted advances from Halsin confusing whatever minor interaction our characters have with him as "treating him like a lover". Fine, unwanted advances seems to be the trend of romance in the game. That can slide. If you and Shadowheart wanna try some prostitutes out, that isn't Halsin's business unless he's been specifically invited. He already knows that you aren't interested, why is he asking again? Because last time I checked, just because a couple wants to try some prostitutes/open relationship doesn't mean their bed is open to absolutely everybody. Especially the one one of them said "no" to. Since it's been established that there are no secrets in the camp with everybody knowing your business for some reason, Shadowheart also knows that you don't want to involve Halsin. She should respect that, just like how I'd assume that you wouldn't go through with the orgy or chew her out for not being okay with it either (basically: "Tav disapproves"). Hence the disrespect this creates.

Not to mention, with the way she acts outside of the the brothel you would never know about this at all. If she were written to be the type to obviously be into swinging, orgies, and whatever, many of the threads and feedback posts complaining about it simply wouldn't exist. I know I wouldn't be here. If a mono romancer of hers found out about it (Indirectly, like a youtube video. This is literally me, I would've been blissfully unaware about it if I didn't watch the video) of course they would be unhappy, it's human. It would be natural if they took it seriously, just like how people took Karlach getting lazy shitty endings seriously. If you were poly/into having sex with everyone, I expect that kind of thing shouldn't bother you. However please try to understand why the mono players don't like it when they find out.

If you still truly don't understand it, then I don't know what else to tell you. We'll just have to agree to disagree and leave it at there.

Last edited by Ehhhh123; 24/12/23 07:17 PM.