Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
The more I see of Karlach's origin the more it feels like somebody's fanfiction.

And all those unique interactions that have no reason to be exclusive to her., It's like they really want everyone to play it.

Writing up my favourite little things for the other thread made me realise how true this is. (Not the fanfiction portion though that is very true as well.) I had originally wondered if Gale's conversation about post battle tingles was something they had made especially for Astarion-Origin because it fits so well. It isn't and it works really well for many other characters too. That it's not exclusive doesn't make it less enjoyable on the Origin. Same with most of the (Wizard) dialogue options. I am pretty sure most of those were written with Gale in mind as some have his speech pattern, but they can also work very nicely for other wizards, so it's nice they got shared.

Also bumping the thread a bit.