Originally Posted by Netav
Drow-twins themselves are fine imo, so are companion's reaction to them alone(except Gale, of course, these are whack).

Gale himself is fine, as far as I remeber. He is coerced into an absolutely shitty situation and gets himself out of it eventually, by the usual method he employs when he cannot deal with a situation himself. It's the player character - and Halsin - who are the problem. I think Gale should simply break up with the pc afterwards, just like Astarion does when you do the whole "you should learn to enjoy sex for your own sake" spiel to him. And some of the player dialogue in the selection screen of doom should be modified to allow the pc to be a loving partner to him, currently all the options are cruel and stupid.

In general there has to be a way to get out of the selection screen of doom should you unwittingly end up in it. Without any disapprovals or the like.

Originally Posted by Filia
100% agree, Syraxfyre.

I second that.