Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
With Astarion they really didn't think this through. Everyone in camp seems to know everything that's going on with the others, which pre-Cazador makes Halsin basically a dude propositioning you for sex while fully knowing that you're not "getting it" in your current relationship. And it's so so stupid.
And with SH? literally 2 long rests after she refused to "share" with any other companion and not having it once with Tav yet, suddenly she feels safe and fine to share with Halsin and not threatened like with others. Because Halsin thing triggers before her scene. Basically you go through this slow burn romance and suddenly she is ok to share you with Halsin(despite not wanting to with any other. "In truth, I don't think I'd wanted to be your spare lover" is literally her quote) even before having her first time with the Tav. And since Halsin proposal occurs before her scene, you can obviously decline him before her scene. After this you get her scene and in the morning you get Halsin's banter with threesome proposal. It's just so XD

Last edited by Netav; 25/12/23 04:28 PM.