Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by saeran
On a side note, I think the reason why Halsin has no late content (except as another romance option) is not because they only intended him to be that, but because his actual content got cut. In EA he was responsible for Isobel's death, as you could find out from his journals.

Oh! I have turned so many stones to find out what Isobel died of and nobody seemed to know. What happened?

Also totally off topic, but there is some tea that requires spilling.
Originally Halsin killed Isobel under unknown circumstances. It seems there was a meeting of druids and Thorm family and something had happened.
You can read it here (there are two parts) - https://www.tumblr.com/merrinla/735363165683089408/lift-the-shadow-curse-cut-content-part-i

This story looks VERY interesting and very promising, very dramatic. Halsin would've had depth in his character, plus Act 2 would be a bit longer. But Larian decided they don't need it.