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Originally Posted by rendemption
Sad part is, I wouldn't even be as mad or disappointed if it was just Astarion or Karlach getting the attention. Halsin is not an origin companion and is supposedly Minthara's counterpart, seeing as they're planning the ultimatum for us to choose between them, but even he has a fancy kissing animation now while Minthara's is still bugged. He only has one major bug that I know of: his point-and-click lines aren't working.

Halsin's probably one of the least-liked companions in the game. If they implement the Minthara vs Halsin dialogue it'll be over for him.

The only reason Larian can get away with not fixing her is that her recruitment was connected to the Grove and most people didn't want to do the massacre.

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Originally Posted by ahania
The only reason Larian can get away with not fixing her is that her recruitment was connected to the Grove and most people didn't want to do the massacre.
Yeah. I hate that you're right lol.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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Originally Posted by ahania
Halsin's probably one of the least-liked companions in the game. If they implement the Minthara vs Halsin dialogue it'll be over for him.

Even for variety alone. Why take along two druids, when I can have a paladin and the cool druid who has a short but sweet plot in Act3?

Last edited by Anska; 29/12/23 05:40 PM.
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Originally Posted by ahania
The only reason Larian can get away with not fixing her is that her recruitment was connected to the Grove and most people didn't want to do the massacre.

Yep and they didn't even implement the KO recruitment properly now, so many people can't get it right without looking up help or a guide, which speaks for bad implementation, why add it in the first place~ but at least, more people recruit her now and see her bugs and hopefully cry to Larian about it, so here's hoping they'll fix her eventually~

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If they add the ultimatum, I'll ditch Halsin right away. Sorry, that's just how it's gotta be. Also I don't know why they added the knockout mechanic in the first place, you don't get any rewards for using it and it's barely important except for one or two instances. More importantly it doesn't solve any of Minthara's problems right now. Not really.

Wake up Larian, we're not in Early Access anymore. smirk

Minthara has been broken for 556 days.
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I knocked out minthara in act 1 and he didn't appear in alzaluna. what the hell I wasted a lot of time

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Originally Posted by Turin15
I knocked out minthara in act 1 and he didn't appear in alzaluna. what the hell I wasted a lot of time

She has to be temporarily hostile when you knock her out. At least I hope otherwise it's two hours from my life trying to make her recruitment work.

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Joined: Dec 2023
knocked her out but she died to the acid bomb some guard threw on the floor - reloaded & did it again, wiped the camp, fingers crossed - will report back - from the moment she spoke i was like WHO IS THAT so i'd quite like to have her in camp finally rather than pining like tracker klagga lol

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Be sure to not go back to check on her, like just go straight to Moonrise after you knock her out and long rest somewhere else. This is what I've been hearing lately.

I love how people are getting to recruit her now because of this, but imagine if we had an easier and more immersive recruitment too. They could've made it possible to spare and interrogate Minthara after defeating her at the Grove, and she could just run away afterwards. I want more content for Minthy :c

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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Nah that has nothing to do with it, people are just doing it wrong.

Long resting only has to be avoided between knocking out Minthara and killing Priestess Gut and Ragzlin, because the quest has to update in order to consider that all three leaders are dead. After that the player can play however they wish.

The PSA - How To Recruit Minthara thread has all the necessary info, including a video linked which has an FAQ pinned in the comment section in case these 3 simple steps are unclear;

  • Commit a crime next to her to make her Temporarily Hostile
  • Non-lethally knock her out
  • Immediately after kill Priestess Gut and Ragzlin without resting until they're dead

Nothing more and nothing less is required to recruit Minthara, anything else is misinformation.

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Oh, I stand corrected. Thank you for clearing that up, and for the guide :3

I will never recruit her that way since I prefer using the mod, but it’s nice to have that option - especially for console players. I still think she deserves a better recruitment path. They should fix her bugs first though…

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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Sadly yes. In my current legitimately recruited Honour playthrough she is broken beyond belief.

I am a 100% certain she is supposed to have an ACT 2 romance scene during its finale which acts as a basis for further development, along with a scene the morning after... but it does not seem to be in the game at all. So because of this she is recognized by other parties (companions, Withers, Drow twins etc) as my romantic interest, but she herself remains the same as when initially recruited.

And to make matters worse this lack of scenes immediately auto-breaks up any Origin romance the next morning.

I am now in ACT 3 for quite some time and I have not seen a single sign of affection coming from her, cannot even break up with her because she has no dialogue about the "relationship".

Unfortunately Minthara is still in Early Access. I also have no clue what restored content Larian was speaking of when they mentioned fixing something blocking her lines and romance, because she has NOTHING in ACT 3. And if this is her actual content then I may as well just romance the statue of Shar I carry around.

Her non-romantic content is at least somewhat there and fun to listen to, though there also are instances where she is clearly missing stuff, like not having anything to say about the very first night at camp in Act 3.

Whatever Larian is doing for Minthara may probably be coming in whichever update they release the romance additions they've been talking about. If it is not the next update, then they probably may be saving it for Valentines in February. That is my best guess when she might finally be getting some actual love and care.

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I was too afraid to attemp the romance in a Good resist the urge run, because I worried it would glitch out. Instead I decided to headcanon Bae'zel as my honorable Gith girlfriend, who's basically a Demi-goddess right now, with Minthara keeping it mostly professional.

I just really enjoyed the idea that the real plot of this game maybe isn't about Illithid empire stuff, but rather about the Githyanki finally freeing themselves from Chaotic Evil Lich-Queens and Red Dragons. You know like achieving some kind of cosmic détente with the Githzerai, through Lae'zel's sheer force of personality, and then having Minthara be part of that saga. Minthara did attempt to angle for something more romantic, after we brought her into the fold, but I had to decline this time. Instead of romance, we gave Minthara the gift vengeance "by my Oath!" and she's been responsible for many of the key takedowns. I think she's nailed more of the big bads than just about anyone, when push came to smite, so definitely pulling her weight. Not sure anyone saw it coming, but she's totally saved the realms more than a few times now.

Here's a very spoilery Minthara high-light reel with a ton of images cause I couldn't help myself...

Notable Minthara moments included... holding the line vs the Shadows to save Halsin's ass at the portal. Forming a band and jamming with Alfira, even know none of us really know how to play our instruments properly lol. Smoking Balthazar with the Blood of Lathander in his study, before he even got a word in! Taking down Ketheric!!! There Minthara landed the killing blow, technically lifting the Shadowcurse. Saving Wyll's dad from the underwater prison, where she went down with the ship, but then woke up on the beach with 1 hp thanks to death ward lol. Dueling with Gortash on the roof of Wyrm's Rock, all by herself when everyone else was dead, so that Gurge could escape the dreaded TPK! Rescuing Halsin from again, this time from Orin's clutches, then putting her to bed once and for all. Now she can claim the title "Minthara the Red" if she wants it, along with indigo and boreal blue (which are her other safety colors). Like depending on what armor she wants to wear. Usually we don't rock the headgear, but every now again, when we want to pretend we're all dragon riders hehe

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We just made it 100 hrs and are about to rally the Allies. Should be just about everyone I think, with the exception of Yurgir, cause he got blow'd up, but otherwise pretty much all the heroes are feasting.

It was a lot of fun! Although I'm sure I'd still prefer a less crazy recruitment path for her, I definitely appreciated that she was able to hop on the team now. Even if it took a ton of meta hand waving and some creative clairvoyance to stitch it all together. It was the most entertaining run yet!

Happy New Year!

Last edited by Black_Elk; 31/12/23 09:00 AM.
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ps. Just cause it would only allow me to attach 10 pics per post, but I have like 100 lol

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Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
I am a 100% certain she is supposed to have an ACT 2 romance scene during its finale which acts as a basis for further development, along with a scene the morning after... but it does not seem to be in the game at all.
I might be misunderstanding your wording, but are you implying she has another romance scene already coded in the game right now, and that it's blocked for some unknown reason? I personally find that hard to believe.

The main reason Minthara doesn’t have a romance scene in Act 2 might be due to how she was originally tied to slaughtering the Grove and you could already get one scene from that. Seeing as she's not an origin companion, like Halsin, one romance scene is likely all that they planned for her.

I could see them moving the romance scene from the Grove slaughter to Act 2 for players who recruit her with the KO method, just to fill in the gaps. But I think it's safe to say there are currently no additional romance scenes for Minthara as dataminers would have already discovered them.

It’s a different matter if they’re planning to add another scene, they should, and I hope they do! The implication seems to be confusing for a lot of people, but I put the blame on the vagueness of Minthara's current state too. We have no way of knowing for sure which parts are bugs and which are just content that's not in the game yet.

I think whatever the “stupid bug” that was blocking her dialogue prior to Hotfix 5 is still blocking her romance flags that prevents us from accessing her romance dialogue tree. Even then, this is mostly wishful thinking. I don't trust much of what that article said as I also remember Swen exaggerated the number of endings we'd get. I'm pretty sure they just haven't done much for Minthara to begin with. I'd be happy to be proven wrong of course, any day now Larian.

Happy New Year to everyone, but especially the Minthara fans hehe :3

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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I mean it is unlikely there is a fully done scene lying around and blocked. I think they simply never really added it. They should - especially since the scene you get when moving from act II to III is just heavily implying that there should be one.

I know I thought I bugged it out somehow and that I'm not alone with that assumption. I honestly tried loading earlier saves, trying to talk to her later, thinking the Act III intro might somehow mess with it and block it, until I gave up and searched for confirmation wether it was just bugged or supposed to be that way. There isnt even a fade to black or anything, which made it feel like simply not triggering properly.
I wish I could say I hope they implement something, but looking at the buggy mess that everything regarding Minthara and for how long she's been in this state, I have to admit I feel pessimistic about it.

However, I am not that pessimistic about her getting major bugfixes overall - just not a scene that they apparently never really made.

Happy New Year!

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Originally Posted by rendemption
I might be misunderstanding your wording, but are you implying she has another romance scene already coded in the game right now, and that it's blocked for some unknown reason?

No no it definitely is not in the game itself currently, but the way the whole scene plays out and how the next morning plays out is clear indication there is missing content that is supposed to be there.

Because Minthara's actual romance starts only after ACT 2's finale. She asks for permission to touch our mind so she can feel what we truly see her as, a lover. To which she responds; "...there will be no Gods or anyone else, tonight I am fully yours".

And... nothing happens after that. The very next morning other romances auto-break up with you immediately without even wanting to talk about it, while Minthara has absolutely no romantic dialogues nor reactions to it.

This massive gap between that night and everything that follows from that point onward is clear indication that Minthara is supposed to have an actual fully developed romantic scene, behavior change and dialogue about it which is simply not there so she has no romance at all because she is missing this scene.

Not to mention that even companions do not react correctly, it is a night and day difference. If you lets say hook up with Lae'zel while also romancing Karlach, Karlach has two different fully-developed dialogues with choices ready to break up;

  • First one happens only if you approach her before leaving camp after Lae'zel's sparring where she is really jealous and annoyed at you for playing with her heart.
  • Second one happens only after you leave camp so she gets a dialogue bubble where she acts disappointed, but understanding about it.

In Minthara's case companions don't have anything like that. They literally just go; "Oh so I see you have a piece on the side, m'kay". And that's it, whichever romance you had is now permanently dead.

Ultimately Minthara's non-existing "romance" is a miserably glued together placeholder from bits of scraps just trying to make it barely passable.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Unfortunately Minthara is still in Early Access. I also have no clue what restored content Larian was speaking of when they mentioned fixing something blocking her lines and romance, because she has NOTHING in ACT 3.

I think they were referring to her scene about touching the player’s mind, because that was not around for the first couple months of the games release, so she had literally no interaction for the entirety of Act 3 compared with what she has now (I stumbled upon the scene on YouTube because of a modder back then). It could also be referring to her scene about the drow word for love but as far as Im aware that is still bugged.

Last edited by Moongerm; 31/12/23 02:50 PM.
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Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
No no it definitely is not in the game itself currently, but the way the whole scene plays out and how the next morning plays out is clear indication there is missing content that is supposed to be there.
Oh okay! That makes more sense. And yeah, Minthara's romance is just barely there, hardly any content and no reactivity whatsoever. I think they put all her budget to her Act 1 scene and thought that was enough lol.

I’m personally not 100% sure the romance scene in Act 2 is missing content, like I think the no fade-to-black and no scene playing is how they always intended it, which is very misleading. It would be the perfect place to add another romance scene for her and would make for a more natural progression of the relationship, but I’m not too optimistic about them implementing this in the future. The more people ask for it, the more likely Larian will listen though.

What I assumed was (and this is the bare minimum) the next morning we would be able to access her romance dialogue tree, which would mean we can kiss her in camp and that she would have a different greeting. The former is apparently a known bug (that has been seemingly ignored) and dataminers have discovered the lines. As for different greetings, I think this just hasn’t been worked on at all as there are no traces of it that I know of.

It's definitely jarring that we have no indication to her romance at all outside of the Love Test and the drow twins. Everyone else seemed to have gone to full release but Minthara is still stuck in EA and Larian isn't even batting an eye at this.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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Originally Posted by rendemption
Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
No no it definitely is not in the game itself currently, but the way the whole scene plays out and how the next morning plays out is clear indication there is missing content that is supposed to be there.
Oh okay! That makes more sense. And yeah, Minthara's romance is just barely there, hardly any content and no reactivity whatsoever. I think they put all her budget to her Act 1 scene and thought that was enough lol.

I’m personally not 100% sure the romance scene in Act 2 is missing content, like I think the no fade-to-black and no scene playing is how they always intended it, which is very misleading. It would be the perfect place to add another romance scene for her and would make for a more natural progression of the relationship, but I’m not too optimistic about them implementing this in the future. The more people ask for it, the more likely Larian will listen though.

What I assumed was (and this is the bare minimum) the next morning we would be able to access her romance dialogue tree, which would mean we can kiss her in camp and that she would have a different greeting. The former is apparently a known bug (that has been seemingly ignored) and dataminers have discovered the lines. As for different greetings, I think this just hasn’t been worked on at all as there are no traces of it that I know of.

It's definitely jarring that we have no indication to her romance at all outside of the Love Test and the drow twins. Everyone else seemed to have gone to full release but Minthara is still stuck in EA and Larian isn't even batting an eye at this.

You only know that you're in a relationship after you 've subdued the netherbrain. Then you need to decide how to continue and then you get comments from Minthara that confirm you're in love with eachother.
Then, post-warapup you have a scene with her in private where you discuss the future of your couple.
Finally at Whither's afterparty you can kiss and talk some more about yourself.

So Larian did put effort (and voiceovers) in these scenes that appear only after the story is finished.
Why would they prioritize these over in-story scenes ? Honestly, I was very (pleasantly) surprised when this popped out of nowhere at the end. I had really given up about the possibility to romance her. But it made the whole issue only more confusing.

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