Originally Posted by Glitches
Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by fylimar
I don't think Karlach that much of a Mary Sue - not like Halsin or Mizora tbh. They probably thought to make her a bit more special, because she doesn't have that much content as a late addition, so I think, it gets balanced out. And given how special every companion is, I can live with Karlach being more likeable and liked by all. I would think, she has to have special scenes with most romances,e specially the ones with sexual content in act 1, like Astarion and Lae'zel, since she can't touch them. So I wonder, does she have a different scene with LAe'zel too? And maybe addressing Shadowhearts kissing scene?

I really don't want to derail the thread too much so I'll keep it short and we can take it to another thread should that be of interest, but she basically has as much if not a bit more gameplay content as Gale (more because she actually has an emotional cutscene to end her quest, to which you have to take her along and she hijacks Elmister scene through her companion comments - just look what yt comments focus on for that scene), she usually gets the high ground in any banter she is involved in, you can rarely call her out for anything or be mean to her, then there is the whole dock scene issue and while her special condition was accounted for, Gale's isn't. He also shouldn't be able to have sex in Act 1 due to the unstable orb but more importantly, Astarion shouldn't be able to drink from him because he is poisonous. Still you can (unless this was changed recently) totally offer Astarion daily blood, let him bite during sex and become his spawn in Act 3. None of that should work, but it wasn't accounted for. But again, not the thread for it.

As for Gale's plot armour: Just don't recruit him, send him away or kill Elminster. That armour has big holes.

I’m interested in this being another thread, because this is an issue of mine as well when I’m playing Gale origin

It's also an issue while playing Astarion's origin. Nothing is adapted to his "condition". You don't get to talk to anyone, not even your LI, about your scars or the fact that you may want to drink some blood. You never even get to think about biting your LI. You get to see more of his content and character when you play Karlach's origin than you do when you play his own origin.

Originally Posted by ahania
It's a sidenote but by far the weirdest choice is Ascended Astarion being chill with Halsin. He's the most possessive romance option by far.

i can justify it as "do whatever you want darling, because after the tadpole is gone I'll do whatever I want with you." And in any other case the game would rub it in your face. With all the special treatment they gave to his romance I'm almost surprised they didn't include the affair with Halsin in it.