Originally Posted by Asri
The people who love/hate Halsin are probably a very slim portion of the playerbase. The fact there is any controversy at all is amusing to me. All of the companions (except Wyll) try to jump in your pants, all of them have relationship quirks or issues, and they all have Acts where they have major content and do not.

He's not even nearly as polarizing as the Emperor.
Only Halsin is that pushy though. Sh doesn't jump ur pants btw, like she has 1 trigger and that is tiefling party where she might invite you to a date based on approval, just like any companion does. Wyll dance scene almost always triggers though.
Most of the playerbase is silent anyway, we don't really know what they like or not, but we can judge general cherish/annoyance by vocal playerbase(I think for general playerbase % would be around the same). And yes, Halsin is very controversial so far whether you like it or not.