Shadowheart says it was her group that obtained the prism from the Gith and that she was kidnapped by the mindflayers after that.
In the first dream sequence, you can say "I recognize your voice" to the dream figure, and then you see a sequence with the PC inside the pod and the dreamfigure on the outside looking at you.

So if the emperor found the prism first, he managed to find his way inside. Then, later Shar's party found it and SH took it with her and then was kidnapped. In that case, the emp was already in the prism, so it's unlikely he was part of that "kidnapping" nautiloid crew and thus also unlikely that it was he who tadpoled you.

Or he was in the nautiloid when SH was taken, found the prism on her and found a way to get in after that. In this case he might have tadpoled you before that, but could he then still remain in mindflayer form as nautiloid commander at the same time that he was inside the prism ?

I think the first option is the least problematic, so the nautiloid you got on was not that of the emperor, but simply on a mission to harvest humanoids to infect, bring to moonrise towers and reinforce the elder brain's army of sleeper cells.

Last edited by ldo58; 28/12/23 09:40 PM.