Ok, this is getting near a somewhat plausible turn of events. I still have some questions, though:

1. Why didn't the Emperor pocket the prism once he had captured Shadowheart?
2. We must have been picked up after the Emperor got hold of Shadowheart. He then becomes autonomous and he is suddenly in a hurry to execute a new plan. He inserts tadpoles that are under his power, because he needs a fighting force. The tadpoles do not cause ceremorphosis, which leaves him with a couple of level 1 thralls. What good are they?
3. Why is the Emperor in such a hurry after he's gone rogue? Why doesn't he go into hiding, or take time to think up a good plan to achieve his goal?
4. Speaking of the Emperor's goal: what is his motive for hurriedly attacking the cult of the Absolute? Why does he want to defeat them? What's in it for him?
5. It was my understanding that the Emperor can communicate with us from the prism by means of the tadpole interfaced with our brain. Being in another realm/dimension, he can use the tadpoles to connect to the minds/brains of people in Faerûn. But by which means can he control gravity in Faerûn when he is inside the prism?
6. Why where there so many Baldurians in a different city?