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Originally Posted by ldo58
You only know that you're in a relationship after you 've subdued the netherbrain.
No, that’s just one of the later ways you can know. It’s not the only indication. If you go to the dryad at the circus in Act 3, you’ll get to do the Love Test with her and if you get all the answers right, she can claim that you’re the first to know her heart. That’s already an indication of her being in a relationship with you as she would just outright reject you if you’re not romancing her.

The main issue here is her romance dialogue tree is allegedly bugged. This is what's been confusing everyone.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
Joined: Dec 2023
Joined: Dec 2023
I don’t think they care and they haven’t started fixing or working on her at all. Every time they claimed to have fixed a bug with Minthara, I eventually discover that it’s a lie. My bug reports also seem to be useless because I sent them months ago and she’s still very much broken.

Minthara has been broken for 556 days.
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I think Minthara should be on the banner art with a multi-act arc and a polished up romance like the others. I read somewhere that she was irredeemable but I don't know, cause I just watched her save the Realms and it was great! We couldn't have done it without her! One of the best performances in the whole game and a spectacular visualization. I'd like to see the poster that has all of them, like everyone that can be recruited. No one left behind. She also deserves a black dye and a black die, like legit, give a me a black D20 and the whole Act III Minthara with no glitches for all those black eyes we took along the way. Then it'll feel definitive hehe. Meantime though, for all the nonsense, recruiting Minthara anyone and trying to do her justice with honors was my favorite campaign of all.

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Originally Posted by rendemption
If you go to the dryad at the circus in Act 3, you’ll get to do the Love Test with her and if you get all the answers right, she can claim that you’re the first to know her heart.

The love test for Minthara is... bizarre.

Saying that she misses picking off her siblings one by one (something she never talked about, at least in my game) gets approval but seems to guarantee the "mildly disappointing" result.

The better choice is saying that she misses Underdark food (despite her previously mentioning being unable to properly enjoy food due to the threat of being poisoned) which also gets approval and allows you to get the "know my heart" result.

Neither "correct" answer seems rooted in her in-game dialogue. She did say that she was happy with life in Menzoberranzan despite the dangers of betrayal, but that's a far cry from relishing fratricide.

Saying that she misses her pet spiders gets disapproval, because spiders are "Lolth's creatures" - which seems odd because she was keeping spiders after Menzoberranzan, as we see in the goblin camp.

The answer to the final question needs to be correct (being captured by the Absolute) to get the best result, and it can even make up for wrong answers to the previous questions (still giving the "know my heart" result), but that makes sense if you've paid any attention at all up to that point.

The best total approval increase while still getting the "know my heart" result seems to be:

1. Spiced Ulaver wine and thinly sliced rothe steak.
2. Me.
3. Let herself be captured by the cult of the Absolute.

I suppose we could explain it away as her not truly having enjoyed fighting her siblings despite laughing it off, and I like that interpretation, but I cringe thinking of the crowd who would mistake it as evidence of being "good". (She isn't. Not in the D&D sense. Not even a little bit.)

Joined: Jun 2022
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A few more bits of Minthara missing content;

She has absolutely nothing to say about entering two places in ACT 3 related to Dark Urge and a certain outcome, despite all other companions commenting on it. Disappointing considering how much she talks with Dark Urge about their storyline in ACT 3, only to have nothing to say about it when the moments themselves actually arrive.

Specifically these moments are;
- Entering the Tribunal
- Entering the temple of Bhaal
- After losing the duel with Orin

Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
If you think Minthara's love test is bizarre, you should see Astarion's where you can only get all of them right by picking the blatantly wrong answers lol.

Originally Posted by doubledeviant
Saying that she misses picking off her siblings one by one (something she never talked about, at least in my game) gets approval but seems to guarantee the "mildly disappointing" result.

The better choice is saying that she misses Underdark food (despite her previously mentioning being unable to properly enjoy food due to the threat of being poisoned) which also gets approval and allows you to get the "know my heart" result.

Neither "correct" answer seems rooted in her in-game dialogue. She did say that she was happy with life in Menzoberranzan despite the dangers of betrayal, but that's a far cry from relishing fratricide.

Up until that point, she talked about her upbringing too. I think it was when we first arrived at Baldur’s Gate that we learn her own mother tried to kill her when she came of age. She gave her fresh scars in return, or something along those lines, and she spoke of it with pride. So, to me at least, enjoying fratricide wasn’t a far-off guess even though she never mentioned it directly.

It would be nice if we got more of her talking about her early life. That way their dynamic would be more clear for everyone, especially those who are unfamiliar with the lore and how cutthroat the rest of her family is. Menzoberranzan is basically Game of Thrones taken to the extreme :'3

Originally Posted by doubledeviant
Saying that she misses her pet spiders gets disapproval, because spiders are "Lolth's creatures" - which seems odd because she was keeping spiders after Menzoberranzan, as we see in the goblin camp.

I didn't think that was odd. She was still brainwashed at the goblin camp, remember? It's pretty clear that she hates Lolth despite having served her. What I found weird was how the spiders were willing to serve an Absolute cultist, but I think they were in on it too.

Another interesting tidbit I found is if we answer that Minthara admires the gods most, she gives us approval too, but it’s the wrong answer. So she seems to hold some degree of admiration despite having a clear dislike for them. I don't think that's ever been stated clearly, here or anywhere else, but you can sort of make the connection to her desire for power.

Originally Posted by doubledeviant
I suppose we could explain it away as her not truly having enjoyed fighting her siblings despite laughing it off, and I like that interpretation, but I cringe thinking of the crowd who would mistake it as evidence of being "good". (She isn't. Not in the D&D sense. Not even a little bit.)

Yep, she's not a "good" person. I don't think a redemption arc would fit her either, and that's perfectly fine. My personal interpretation is she definitely enjoyed picking off her siblings one by one. I don't think there's any mistaking it in how she said it. The less siblings she had, the closer she would've gotten to becoming a Matron Mother.

I think that answer is only "mildly disappointing" because she misses Underdark food the most at that point, that's what the dryad asked. It's also important to note she also associates the food with House Baenre banquets, which are something she would no longer be able to experience due to her exile (by far her biggest loss).

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
Joined: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by rendemption
Up until that point, she talked about her upbringing too. I think it was when we first arrived at Baldur’s Gate that we learn her own mother tried to kill her when she came of age. She gave her fresh scars in return, or something along those lines, and she spoke of it with pride. So, to me at least, enjoying fratricide wasn’t a far-off guess even though she never mentioned it directly.

It would be nice if we got more of her talking about her early life. That way their dynamic would be more clear for everyone, especially those who are unfamiliar with the lore and how cutthroat the rest of her family is. Menzoberranzan is basically Game of Thrones taken to the extreme :'3

That one hasn't triggered for me yet. Sounds interesting. IIRC, I had her at "very high" approval near the end of Act 2 (triggering the romance scene before leaving for Baldur's Gate) and got to "exceptional" approval shortly into Act 3. I did go to the circus very early since my Warlock sensed fey magic.

Originally Posted by rendemption
I didn't think that was odd. She was still brainwashed at the goblin camp, remember? It's pretty clear that she hates Lolth despite having served her. What I found weird was how the spiders were willing to serve an Absolute cultist, but I think they were in on it too.

That's my point - she was part of the cult, having left Lolth behind (under the influence of the Absolute), but she was still keeping spiders at the goblin camp. I suppose her motives could have been utilitarian at that point - "the spiders are useful servants for the Absolute" more-or-less. But having that answer about pet spiders offered in the love test made it seem like keeping the spiders might have been a decision based on affection.

Originally Posted by rendemption
Another interesting tidbit I found is if we answer that Minthara admires the gods most, she gives us approval too, but it’s the wrong answer. So she seems to hold some degree of admiration despite having a clear dislike for them. I don't think that's ever been stated clearly, here or anywhere else, but you can sort of make the connection to her desire for power.

Interesting! That answer seemed so wrong that I didn't bother testing it. Lol.

Tbh, I wonder if the writer for the love test was trying for something clever and simply failed. You mentioned Astarion, and I've read something about the test for the other companions being "off", too.

I did try answering "Drizzt" to the second question for a laugh. wink

Anyway - Thanks for sharing your thoughts! No one else in my gaming circle has recruited Minthy yet, and it's nice to be able to chat about her in some depth here.

Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by doubledeviant

That one hasn't triggered for me yet. Sounds interesting. IIRC, I had her at "very high" approval near the end of Act 2 (triggering the romance scene before leaving for Baldur's Gate) and got to "exceptional" approval shortly into Act 3. I did go to the circus very early since my Warlock sensed fey magic.

It triggers when you first step foot on Rivington and talk to her. There's no exclamation point so you might've missed it if you went straight to the circus, but yeah, it should be there regardless of approval :3

Sharing my old screenshots here in case anyone wants to see the dialogue (warning, they're big):

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Originally Posted by doubledeviant

That's my point - she was part of the cult, having left Lolth behind (under the influence of the Absolute), but she was still keeping spiders at the goblin camp. I suppose her motives could have been utilitarian at that point - "the spiders are useful servants for the Absolute" more-or-less. But having that answer about pet spiders offered in the love test made it seem like keeping the spiders might have been a decision based on affection.

Oh, I see. I mean my point was that because she's brainwashed, any decision she made back then wasn't related to how she truly felt. All that mattered to her was serving the Absolute, and I think when you play as a Lolthsworn drow, she actually refers to them as "vermin" in Act 1. When she did serve Lolth, keeping a spider was more of an obligation as they're sacred animals and harming or killing them is often punishable by death.

So yeah, in any circumstance, I don't think she kept them due to affection - as endearing as that would be lol.

Originally Posted by doubledeviant
Anyway - Thanks for sharing your thoughts! No one else in my gaming circle has recruited Minthy yet, and it's nice to be able to chat about her in some depth here.

Of course! I enjoyed reading your thoughts too. It's always nice to see people recruit Minthy and experience her character for the first time. She's very underrated imo, it's a shame she hasn't been getting the attention she deserves from Larian :'3

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
Minthara is kind of gated, or a challenge if you want to put it that way, because the game pushes you pretty hard towards siding with the grove. But of course she is by far the most fascinating and unique character you can have in your party. I am DU, but I am really curious to see her unique interactions and conflicts with other player characters, assuming they are not bugged or not implemented at all.

I have quit the game a long time now, waiting for the fixes that never come. The story and the characters are a huge reason of what makes BG3 good, and I don't want to experience a ruined version of those.

I am not keeping my hopes up either, because as Larian made public, only a small fraction of players actually recruit Minthara. There is also all the game awards hype, which means Minthara will be a long way down the bugfix list, if indeed she is in it at all. When you report any Minthara issue the reply is that they are already aware of it, but being aware of an issue and planning to fix it are two very different things.

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Well, the "daughter of Lolth" mod, which provided a good path to recruit Min, but is now obsolete, had 143 K downloads. I think that means it was reasonably popular. I suppose these early recruitment attempts are not in Larian's statistics.

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Originally Posted by rendemption
It triggers when you first step foot on Rivington and talk to her. There's no exclamation point so you might've missed it if you went straight to the circus, but yeah, it should be there regardless of approval :3

So I do have that conversation available - but I hadn't been back to camp to make my usual round of the companions. My motivation to play dropped *significantly* at the beginning of Act 3, when the Emperor reveal makes an incoherent mess of the story. I don't think I've played more than 20-30 minutes at a time since.

Barring some unmentioned magical intervention, the adventurer is dead, and the Emperor is either deceiving itself or telling the most obvious lie in the history of the realms.

Except things simply continue as if the Emperor wasn't making one of the most controversial claims imaginable about the foundations of the story.

I looked ahead for some limited spoilers, and the story seems to double down on the nonsense, unfortunately. The writer for Act 3 doesn't seem to understand ceremorphosis.

I'll get to the end eventually. Probably. Maybe. wink

Originally Posted by rendemption
Oh, I see. I mean my point was that because she's brainwashed, any decision she made back then wasn't related to how she truly felt. All that mattered to her was serving the Absolute, and I think when you play as a Lolthsworn drow, she actually refers to them as "vermin" in Act 1. When she did serve Lolth, keeping a spider was more of an obligation as they're sacred animals and harming or killing them is often punishable by death.

So yeah, in any circumstance, I don't think she kept them due to affection - as endearing as that would be lol.

There's definitely a warping of perception - Minthara describing it as being "ecstatic to serve" - and direct commands are impossible to resist (not being perceived as something that *should* be resisted in the first place). But some degree of autonomy exists in terms of the execution of their service/devotion, and True Souls don't seem to be in direct two-way communication with the Absolute or each other most of the time, else the player character would be outed rather quickly. I get the impression that "You're still you but completely devoted to the Absolute." (But I might have the wrong impression, and I'm not sure the story is coherent or consistent in this regard, anyway.)

Whatever the case, if she calls the spiders vermin, that puts a different spin on the matter.

Originally Posted by rendemption
She's very underrated imo, it's a shame she hasn't been getting the attention she deserves from Larian :'3

She's been a highlight of the game for me! smile

Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
Bumping this thread in support of Minthara. I've just started a new playthrough with (Ascended) Astarion origin and I intend to romance her, because in my opinion she's his perfect match after Tav/Durge. She will be my permanent party member. It's a shame that such an interesting character is bugged into oblivion. She also deserves more intuitive, alternative ways of recruitment. Show her some love, Larian!

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Bumping this thread in support of Minthara. I've just started a new playthrough with (Ascended) Astarion origin and I intend to romance her, because in my opinion she's his perfect match after Tav/Durge. She will be my permanent party member. It's a shame that such an interesting character is bugged into oblivion. She also deserves more intuitive, alternative ways of recruitment. Show her some love, Larian!

I have the same playthrough started lol. So for now Astarion stays in Act 1, waiting for Minthara to be fixed.

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I don't want to romance her but I would really like to trade the problem bear for her after lifting the Shadow Curse - if that is how it works.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Anska
I don't want to romance her but I would really like to trade the problem bear for her after lifting the Shadow Curse - if that is how it works.
Not yet it's not. There is dialogue written for it in the files, but it's not implemented currently and we don't know if they actually do intend to use it later.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
I have the same playthrough started lol. So for now Astarion stays in Act 1, waiting for Minthara to be fixed.

I hope they do something about her content by the time I finish act 1, but if they don't I'm going to do the same.

If they implement the choice between Minthara and Halsin then it would be nice if he could at least be convinced to stay at camp to do the Thaniel quest to lift the curse before he gets the boot.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
I have the same playthrough started lol. So for now Astarion stays in Act 1, waiting for Minthara to be fixed.

I hope they do something about her content by the time I finish act 1, but if they don't I'm going to do the same.

If they implement the choice between Minthara and Halsin then it would be nice if he could at least be convinced to stay at camp to do the Thaniel quest to lift the curse before he gets the boot.
If they do implement it the easiest solution is to just do the Thaniel stuff before rescuing her. The ultimatum dialogue that was found even accounts for the possibility of you doing that.

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You might consider keeping Halsin around till act 3

For Orin to take him prisoner, so the "useful" companions are spared.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Auric
If they do implement it the easiest solution is to just do the Thaniel stuff before rescuing her. The ultimatum dialogue that was found even accounts for the possibility of you doing that.

True, but what I'm worried about is a scenario where you enter from the Mountain Pass and follow the drider, end up in Moonrise Towers at the start of the act, recruit Minthara and then have Halsin going nuts about it and demanding you pick one of them. You'd have to purposefully avoid Minthara to be able to lift the curse. It wouldn't be very immersive finding her while she's being judged, then going to her cell and telling her 'Sorry girl, there's this little thing I have to take care of with Halsin first, you just stay here and suffer for a bit longer. Don't worry, I'll come back for you later, I promise!'

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
I have the same playthrough started lol. So for now Astarion stays in Act 1, waiting for Minthara to be fixed.

I hope they do something about her content by the time I finish act 1, but if they don't I'm going to do the same.

If they implement the choice between Minthara and Halsin then it would be nice if he could at least be convinced to stay at camp to do the Thaniel quest to lift the curse before he gets the boot.

I did it the old fashioned mass murder way, so no Halsin for me. I'm basically redoing an older playthrough that itself got murdered by patch 5. I got to the middle of Act 2 in that one. Poor Minthara was not doing well in the bug department, and talking to her as Astarion was kinda sad because he really gets her, but of course Larian didn't give them any special dialogue.

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