I think lvl scaling is a big issue for certain multi-classing options in BG3, particularly for Ranger and Druid. In my opinion, both the Animal companion (+ abilities related strictly to it), that you get to summon as part of the Beast Master subclass for Ranger, as well as Druid wildshapes(+wildshape specific abilities) specific to the Circle of the Moon subclass, should scale with total lvl, instead of class lvl as long as the character has enough lvls spent into the class to choose those particular subclasses. This issue is even more excarbarted when you try to multiclass these 2 classes together - Druid/Ranger (not the most outlandish combination of all), because at lvl 12 you only get punished for picking this combination, because:
[*]as a Druid you have to give up most of the wildshape forms specific to the subclass of the Circle of the Moon (sabertooth tiger & Myrmidons), most of the powerful passives tied to the wildshapes
[*]As a Ranger, if you multi-class, you have no viable animal companion option at all, as the animal companion grows in power(the abilities from spending lvls into the Beast Tamer subclass) & HP/AC grows with class lvl.
As an example: a Druid lvl7/Ranger lvl 5 trades the aforementioned CoM subclass features and power-ups on a lvl 5 Animal Companion that gets one shotted instantly against any lvl 12 mobs in act 3.

The solution is easy to implement in my opinion, as the wildshapes & animal companions ( + strictly their related abilities) should scale with total lvl, not class lvl. So a CoM Druid lvl7 / Beast Tamer Ranger lvl 5, should have all CoM wildshapes available (as it is the reason someone picks CoM in the first place - for additional wildshapes, we don’t need to nullify the subclass identity just because we want to multi-class) & they should have a appropriately scaled lvl 12 Animal Companion that can stand a fighting chance against lvl 12 Mobs + they should be awarded the subclass passives regarding to wildshapes and companions at total lvl not subclass, as long as they reached the threshold for subclass option - lvl 2 for Druid and lvl 3 for Ranger.
This way druids and rangers will be viable choices for multiclassing, as the current implementation restricts this option for these classes to play effectively. It also makes RP sense as well, as Rangers strengthen their bond with the animal companion, through their time and experience spent together, not because the Ranger is spending mire time as a ranger and less some other class.

A nice QoL change would also be to allow players to cycle through animal companions armor appearance at will -> lvl 12 wolf to transmog into no armor wolf appearance.
Also consider making the Summon Animal Companion spell, rechargeable at short rest instead of long rest, IMO it wouldn’t be too OP and would only alleviate frustrations, when the animal companion dies early on and you need to wait for long rest to bring them back which doesn’t happen often.

Thank you for an amazing game!