Originally Posted by Ecc2ca
There’s no need to engage with a thread if you aren’t feeling enthusiastic about it. I’d be interested to read more about the lore of the wood elves if you have a link/sources. I’m not that familiar with the DND world.
Wood elf lore(Halsin fits well there with his belief) "Wood elven romantic and sexual relationships were often polyamorous in nature, with members of the race freely engaging or ceasing relations with partners. Jealousy and possessiveness were looked down upon by Wood elves and were reasons to be mocked. Because of that, High elves, which Astarion is(Shadowheart is half-high elf), often believed that any relationships with Wood elves were destined for failure and weren't taken seriously."

I think it's not a coincidence that these 2(excluding Karlach) are only "ok" with Halsin "fun".

Weren't taken seriously is a key here imo.

Last edited by Netav; 02/01/24 03:04 AM.