Minthara is kind of gated, or a challenge if you want to put it that way, because the game pushes you pretty hard towards siding with the grove. But of course she is by far the most fascinating and unique character you can have in your party. I am DU, but I am really curious to see her unique interactions and conflicts with other player characters, assuming they are not bugged or not implemented at all.
I have quit the game a long time now, waiting for the fixes that never come. The story and the characters are a huge reason of what makes BG3 good, and I don't want to experience a ruined version of those.
I am not keeping my hopes up either, because as Larian made public, only a small fraction of players actually recruit Minthara. There is also all the game awards hype, which means Minthara will be a long way down the bugfix list, if indeed she is in it at all. When you report any Minthara issue the reply is that they are already aware of it, but being aware of an issue and planning to fix it are two very different things.