Originally Posted by Ametris
He's so desperate to get in Tav's pants that he will proposition them even at 0 approval?! Ok... laugh
To me it happened right after I reached exceptional approval so I thought that it was a requirement for him to genuinely like you. You learn something new about the game all the time, lol.

Someone mentioned, that he had a midlife crisis. 0 is at the middle of the approval bar after all. It seems fitting. ^^

I think it's either approval or time situation triggered. My current Halsin who just hung around in camp forever made his advances the first night we spend in Baldur's Gate proper, the one time I had him in the group for a bit, he found the Rivington air riveting enough to make his urges known.

Last edited by Anska; 06/01/24 10:43 PM.