Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
Hello everyone, We�ve amended some of the items below to make sure that we�re continuing to remain transparent, and can provide you with further clarification in relation to some of the fixes! Work is still ongoing to ensure future updates for Mac players will arrive alongside PC versions, and Mac players can expect to receive both Hotfix 16 & 17, together in an update which we�ll be able to talk more about soon. If you�re experiencing issues after installing the latest update, please check whether the issue persists with your mods uninstalled. As mods aren�t officially supported at the moment, some installed mods may become temporarily incompatible with new patches and hotfixes. If the issue persists after uninstalling the mods, please reach out to our support team with your report! Thank you, truly, for taking the time to submit these issues to us, and for sharing your feedback. For more details on the fixes in Hotfix #17, please read on! If you do have any bugs to report, please continue to reach out to our support team. Thank you for playing Baldur�s Gate 3. PERFORMANCE AND CODE- [Fixed] Black and colourful visual artefacts sometimes appearing for 1 frame on PS5 when switching scenes or opening and closing UI windows.
- [Fix Submitted] Error 544
We have increased the compression of savegames, which should fix several issues caused by large savegame files, including some instances of the Error 544 message. We have also reduced the size of save files by removing summons that don't exist in the game anymore. - Guarded against crashes caused when certain character resources (Actions, Bonus Actions, Superiority Dice, etc.) were added and later removed by a mod or cheat engine.
GAMEPLAY AND COMBAT- [Fixed] In Honour Mode, the aura of Cazador's now properly dissipates after he's . Sorry!
- [Fixed] The camera sometimes zooming in while jumping or casting projectile spells.
- [Fixed] The ability to walk through open doors when you click beyond them from far away.
- [Fixed] Thieves' Tools in the camp chest or inventory of a companion who is waiting at camp not being accessible when lockpicking.
UI- [Fixed] Safeguard Shield's Saving Throw modifier is now correctly reflected on the Character Sheet.
FLOW AND SCRIPTING- [Fixed] Gale will no longer permanently leave the party if you don't offer him any magic items while talking to him � unless you're abundantly clear that you don't plan on ever doing so.
This is a temporary bug fix that aims to avoid Gale immediately leaving the party when players are unable to hand over an item. In Hotfix #16, we began the process of updating a player�s ability to access certain quest-related items, even if they were in the camp chest, or in the inventory of a companion waiting at camp.
However, the UI through which items can be donated to Gale has not yet been updated, which meant that the dialogue could be triggered if the items were available elsewhere, but would not show in the UI to be donated. This risked placing players in a situation where Gale expected an item from them, and they were unable to provide one.
With this initial fix, closing the UI or using any line other than �I�m not giving you anything. Not now, not ever� will prevent Gale from immediately abandoning your party, until the UI logic has been updated.
If you�re keen to give Gale the boot, and don�t have an actual shoe to share in your inventory, selecting �I�m not giving you anything. Not now, not ever�, will still cause Gale to leave your party, permanently! - [Fixed] characters getting stuck 'in a story event', preventing you from controlling them, after getting killed in the fight with Grym.
Last edited by Salo; 16/01/24 05:48 PM.
Joined: Jul 2013
Hotfix #16 broke the Eldritch Blast's Repelling Blast toggle. It's now permanently on. I was hoping this would get fixed as it's messing up my combat strategy.
Joined: Jun 2022
there was no such thing as hotfix 16 but its nice you still hold out some hope 
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
Joined: Nov 2023
It seems, only Cazador was fixed. Otherwise only things were fixed trhat no one complained about and that disturbs me.
I don't see the Quest items not acknowledged by the game bug fixed- and no - it is NOT a Mod issue. I've seen players facing the same problem without Mods, too.
I reorted an issue with Gale's endgame dialogue where he still became a god after i took the Forgiveness Rute wizh Mystra. He still became a god.
Why are half of the bugs still not fixed?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2023
I agree, not sure I understand the priorities. How come Gale gets some minor overthinking tweaks that weren�t even necessary in act one, when Minthara�s whole romance scene in act three doesn�t trigger? That�s just one example.
Joined: Dec 2020
I don't think, making Gale not leave, her f you don't give him items, is a good idea. There should be consequences for your actions.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Nov 2023
I agree, not sure I understand the priorities. How come Gale gets some minor overthinking tweaks that weren�t even necessary in act one, when Minthara�s whole romance scene in act three doesn�t trigger? That�s just one example. I tested this and it hasn't been fixed yet. Still no word on the bug that bricks her entire interaction with you either. Last patch we only got another cryptic riddle of a note: "Fixed some wrong character behaviours likely introduced in Patch 4." This is the only part that may be relevant, and only because some players have suggested that this particular bug was introduced with Patch 4. But, just like with the patch notes, we have no real clue what's going on. At least the forums happened to be working this time.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
I don't think, making Gale not leave, her f you don't give him items, is a good idea. There should be consequences for your actions. I second that - especially since there are so many useless items around that serve no other purpose than to be consumed and he gives you such an immensely long warning before he actually requires an item. I do *much* prefer his Origin version of the problem, where you are forced to part with something actually useful on first Long Rest because this feels significant and appropriate to the situation.
Last edited by Anska; 16/01/24 10:21 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Thank you for the update, but I'm really starting to wonder about the team's priorities and reasoning behind these recent changes - like this one with Gale is loosely tied to characterization. If anything, shouldn't he be more dramatic as this is a life-threatening, potentially catastrophic situation for him? I remember there was also a change to Lae'zel's reaction when you tell her to go to camp when romanced and/or at high approval. What was a sassy and iconic line from Lae'zel (chk!) now develops into a more soldierlike response with no snark. I know for a fact I'm not alone in being disappointed by this. Old lines: ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/0XcVGLL/2024-01-16-16-36-17-bg3-dx11-2024-01-16-16-36-00-png-Photos.png) ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/k3kgyG0/2024-01-16-17-12-41-bg3-dx11-2024-01-16-17-12-28-png-Photos-1.png) New lines: ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/T0DWDrt/2024-01-16-16-35-31-bg3-dx11-2024-01-16-16-27-02-png-Photos.png) ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/XjmvvRR/2024-01-16-16-28-53-bg3-dx11-2024-01-16-16-27-07-png-Photos.png) This is made somewhat worse as Lae'zel builds approval fast very early on. I had the new lines as early as Act 1 and it confused me because all her other lines are still very snarky and prideful, which I adore. This and Gale's may be small changes, sure, but I'm definitely seeing a pattern now and it's starting to be a cause for concern. Please let them be a grump, let them be rude and rough around the edges when the situation calls for it (and in this case, it does!) ______________________ Also Minthara is still bugged and lacking content, just putting that out there. We got the kiss option in Hotfix 16 but everything else about her is still in a sad state.
Joined: Oct 2020
there was no such thing as hotfix 16 but its nice you still hold out some hope  There was indeed a hotfix 16 on GOG, at least. It updated for me.
Last edited by MarcoNeves; 16/01/24 11:23 AM.
Joined: Jun 2022
That was a subtle sarcastic joke ^^
Basically poking at how the forums have been committing digital suicide over the past few weeks so nobody could log into them whatsoever, because of which the patch notes for Hotfix #16 never got posted here. The very official place where one would hope to find the latest up-to-date info about the game.
Joined: Nov 2023
Every time a patch or hotfix is released, I feel fear in my soul. ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/MD9hT56/code-bug.gif) Change "My Code," to "Larian's Code" xD ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/nwj26HQ/debug.jpg)
Joined: Aug 2023
there was no such thing as hotfix 16 but its nice you still hold out some hope  ROTFL !!! 
Joined: Jul 2014
So Hotfix #17 doesn't fix the quest item bug introduced by Hotfix #16.
I have a savegame right before stealing the idol of Sylvanus: With #16 or #17 the quest to steal the idol doesn't progress, and I can't give it to Mol. Revert back to #15 and everything is fine.
Are the devs aware of this bug? This seems to apply to all quest items picked up after installing Hotfix #16 or #17.
Joined: Dec 2022
there was no such thing as hotfix 16 but its nice you still hold out some hope  There was indeed a hotfix 16 on GOG, at least. It updated for me. Yep I concur, there was a hotfix #16, I also received it on GOG And the patch notes were listed on steam if nowhere else .. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/eventcomments/4034728517982758100/ Hotfix #16 Now Live! Version Number: Hello everyone,
Happy New Year! We�re kicking off 2024 with a sizeable hotfix, handling multiple bugs, issues, and blockers. Have your party members been hoarding trinkets? Did you accidentally send Minthara�s lute to your camp supplies, thinking nobody could possibly need a lute in this day and age? In this hotfix, you will now be able to access certain quest-related items on the spot - even if they�re not held by your current party! How�s that for magic pockets?
Mac players, we're currently restructuring to ensure that future updates on Mac will arrive alongside their PC versions. It'll take a bit of time but once finished, there shouldn't be delays anymore. For the time being, we expect a delay for updates of a maximum of two weeks. We're sorry for the inconvenience and understand this is frustrating. Thank you for your patience.
Please note that with new patches and hotfixes, some installed mods may become temporarily incompatible. If you experience any issues after installing the latest update, please check if the issue persists with all mods uninstalled. If it persists, please reach out to our support team with your report.
Thank you for taking the time to submit these issues to us. If you have any bugs to report, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for playing Baldur�s Gate 3!
The cross-save functionality will no longer sync modded saves, as they cannot be accessed by console players. Added categories to the Waypoints list, grouping Waypoints by location. You will now be able to access certain quest-related items on the spot, even if they are currently in the camp chest or in the inventory of a companion who is waiting at camp. Added a couple of to the Epilogue. Karlach will now get her scene in regardless of whether she's an avatar or a companion. Wyll will now follow Karlach correctly. Fixed the Hide Helmet option resetting for companions after saving and loading. Cazador now has of his Legendary Action depending on . The more he has, the more
Fixed several issues with low resolution textures appearing after extended playtimes. Fixed a visual bug where certain doors would reappear briefly when destroyed. Fixed Gale's dialogue ending abruptly when asking him for a kiss. Enjoy the moment.
Fixed a potential crash related to quickloading. Fixed a crash that would occur when unloading and then loading a region. Fixed a crash when changing VSync settings. Fixed a crash when destroying the spiderweb under the Spider Matriarch. Fixed the potential cause of not being able to save the game (Error 701, crashing the game). Fixed a crash that could happen when showing a pop-up message after lockpicking an item. Fixed an issue that was causing to bypass Turn-Based Mode and deploy in real-time, which could result in a crash. We call that cheating. Fixed a crash that would occur when removing condition-based auras from modded savegames. Fixed a possible crash when getting the available party gold during a trade. Fixed some issues that could prevent savegames made under rare conditions from loading up.
The Spectral Form passive is no longer hidden. Fixed Balthazar's Spectral Form not triggering when Balthazar succeeded in a Saving Throw but still got damaged. Fixed Auntie Ethel not using Weird Magic Surge when struck by Repelling Blast in Honour Mode. Fixed the scrying eyes' damage mitigation mechanic in Tactician Mode not working the first time they are damaged. In Tactician difficulty, now transforms into a unique mist form that threatens his foes with a necrotic aura. Ability Drain will not be able to reduce a target's ability below 1. Improved the way Legendary Resistance works, now only triggering when it is actually useful.
Fixed Astarion not being available through the companion menu at camp if you sent him directly to camp during the recruitment dialogue. In Honour Mode, the Eggbearer condition is now also applied when is dead but is alive. Fixed an issue in Honour Mode where the damage from Smite spells wouldn't trigger items that activate when damaged. You can no longer trade with Grukkoh the bugbear via the dialogue button before you've, uh, caught his attention. Using a weapon that uses your Spellcasting Ability Modifier instead of the normal Ability Modifier will now choose the Spellcasting Ability with the highest value. Fixed Group Hide not working properly when a party character is Downed. Myrmidons' weapons cannot be looted from their bodies after Long Rest anymore. Fixed the Elemental Weapon, Magic Weapon, Heat Metal, and Daylight conditions persisting on the weapon after a Long Rest. Fixed an issue that would affect some players controlling more than one avatar, which caused several naked characters to appear over them after the first Dream Visitor dream. Fixed an issue where reconnecting to a multiplayer session would assign a player an avatar in Withers' Wardrobe without taking said avatar out of the wardrobe. They don't open from the inside! Stealing a couple hundred items in one go no longer results in the game becoming unresponsive for quite some time afterwards while it deals with your kleptomaniac overindulgence. It may still freeze for a short period while processing the inventory transfer, though. NPCs on the floor below you, can no longer 'see' you looting corpses up there. When handing back stackable stolen items (such as healing potions), you will no longer lose all of them, but only the number you stole.
Fixed an issue preventing some players from advancing into Act III, looping them back to Act II. Barcus Wroot should now show up correctly if you have saved him from his previous predicaments. Fixed avatar Karlach being able to initiate the first romance scene with Lae'zel after proving her worth to Lae'zel, which should not be possible for her due to her engine still not being upgraded. Tweaked the trigger conditions for Lae'zel's initial romance dialogue after proving your worth to her so that it only triggers if the player controlling her has a single avatar. This is to avoid accidentally triggering the dialogue with an unintended avatar in case you have multiple. Fixed some wrong character behaviours likely introduced in Patch 4. Fixed an issue preventing some dialogue options with Alfira and Nadira from showing up. Fixed prematurely teleporting to Act III if you pick up her corpse in Act I. Gale is now less likely to lie to you about when making his decision in the endgame. will no longer make a surprise appearance during the Epilogue if you and then decided to kill him. Wyll will now appear during the initial Epilogue scene if he's the and does not have a partner. Fixed a couple of issues with Mizora's dialogue getting stuck. Fixed a blocker in the House of Hope in which Raphael wouldn't appear if he was Silenced in Sharess' Caress. Fixed a blocker where you were able to banish Hope while she's chained, preventing you from saving her. The avatar dismissal dialogue will now be closed if the user rejoins the session while it is still active. Duke Ravengard will now correctly instead of staying idle, seemingly unbothered by everything going on. Characters that are attacked while disappearing out of sight will now resume their disappearing after combat ends. Back to the shadows with you.
Fixed an issue where switching between party members would cause performance to drop. Fixed a texture issue in Character Creation at Low and Medium settings.
The proficiency bonuses on Explorer difficulty are now correctly accounted for in Character Creation. Fixed an issue causing the Level Up screen to display the incorrect HP gain when increasing Constitution. Fixed some instances where incorrect items would be selected when dragging them in the Trade menu. Fixed an issue that prevented respeccing into a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer if you chose a spell that was already available from the Draconic Bloodline. The values in the Skill tooltips on the Level Up screen will now update when you add Expertise. Fixed the 'Can't control' warning not disappearing under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue that briefly prevented you from interacting with an item in the inventory if it had been unequipped or equipped previously with the X button. When a tutorial pop-up refers to an option in the shortcuts radial menu on controller, the option will now be highlighted. Fixed '(Empty)' sometimes briefly appearing next to an item's name when highlighting it on Xbox. Added descriptions for the different difficulty levels in the Additional Combat Mechanics options on Custom Mode. Fixed a caching issue in the radial menus. This could, for instance, cause some Disguise Self options to not appear after cancelling and returning to the spell. The lovely dark veins you get on your face when you become part-illithid now show up correctly in the Magic Mirror. Fixed surface names sometimes appearing above characters on controller. Increased the opacity of certain text boxes in the Reactions UI on controller to improve visibility. Fixed a blocker where UI pop-ups wouldn't close if the window behind them was closed first. This could happen, for example, when a cinematic dialogue triggered and closed the map while you were still naming a custom marker. Fixed the loading screen not showing an image when joining a multiplayer session. Fixed the damage type in the Crushing Fist spell tooltip. The Legendary Resistance: Incapacitation tooltip now mentions that it can only be used 3 times. Made sure the grid shown in inventories is correctly drawn if the grid becomes smaller. Removed a low resolution version of one of the loading screen images. Fixed an issue that caused some Video Settings like VSync and Refresh Rate to reset back upon starting the game. Removed the option to confirm or reset options in the Alter Custom Mode menu for players who are not the host of a session. Total party gold is no longer seen in barter mode. Fixed an issue with the radial menus on controller causing the same items to get re-added to the same submenu and the Action radial menu to sometimes appear empty.
Removed some world labels that were showing up for a pair of dice in Withers' chapel in the Epilogue camp that made it look like they could be picked up. Also swapped out a cutting board.
Optimised the appearance of platforms with chains in Grymforge. Fixed some minor visual issues with weapons. Fixed impact VFX/SFX not working for some projectiles.
Fixed a zombie that would T-pose when dragged from your inventory. Fixed some destruction animations that weren't working properly.
Fixed the wrong ambience sounds playing in the Last Light region and Wyrm's Rock Fortress.
Wyll is now appropriately celebratory upon defeat. Added text to the tooltip for Misty Escape ability on Tactician Mode. Fixed Sublimation ability tooltip incorrectly stating that it should kill the target instantly. Wyll now has a line during the ending scene . Added an extra dialogue option when talking to Shadowheart in the Epilogue to fix a path that only gave you one choice. Fixed the Wrathful Spirits condition saying the affected entity is Immune to all damage instead of Vulnerable to all damage.
And here on reddit someone posting all the issues found .. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGat..._bug_trend_game_cant_tell_that_you_have/Hotfix 16 bug trend: game can't tell that you have an item BUGS false New Edit 1/11: It's unclear exactly what mod issues (and it looks like now also non-mod issues) are causing the bug, as there have been multiple different fixes that have worked for various people. List of some potential fixes: Most people have reported that deactivating/removing/uninstalling their mods, or updating them (SildurFX has an updated Party Limit Begone for Hotfix 16, for example), has fixed the problem. Some have had success with replacing Mod Fixer with Script Extender: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/lPallqGuhr If the issue is corrupt mod code in your save file, perhaps this may help: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/PbFxMLOCmI NEW! If you are experiencing this issue on a PC that has never used mods, please reach out to Larian ( https://larian.com/support/faqs/how-to-submit-a-bug-report_85), one user over in Galemancers reports that they were able to help them delete certain files to solve the problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/GalemancersBG3/comments/19372k4/comment/kh7hagd/Whatever you do, please be sure to be careful and back up your saves -- I'm collating info here in case it's helpful, but nothing here is a guaranteed risk-free fix, and Larian will still be able to give you the best advice. Original post: I've noticed a recent influx of posts about the game not realizing that characters have a specific item necessary for a quest. Seems like possibly a widespread bug from the latest hotfix, so let's pool our resources. Anyone have any solutions that have worked for them? Edit: Seems to be most, if not all, quest items that are having this problem-- the game does not recognize that they're in your inventory for the purposes of using them in cutscenes/dialogue/to progress the quest. I've reformatted my list since it's quite long, and am adding any known workarounds. Let me know if you figure out any other workarounds, and I'll add them. Edit: Not everybody is affected. At least one each of PS5, PC, and Xbox players have commented below saying they're unaffected. The bug also seems to be affecting some games started after the hotfix, as well as games started before. Edit: Theory came up that the rule might be that only items acquired after the hotfix are bugged. But others are reporting items acquired pre-hotfix are bugged as well, so there goes that theory. Comment if you have any other theories about why this bug may be affecting some players but not others, and some items but not others. Edit: Now that I look at it, everyone who has said they're on PS5 is reporting no bugs. Edit: Well, seems we may have at least one PS5 user experiencing the bug. So who knows what's happening. Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Here's hoping this gets solved! Items with potential workarounds: Invitation to Raphael's boudoir (workaround: climb out a balcony and walk/jump around exterior of building until you reach the boudoir's balcony) Szarr ring and dictionary to get through Sinister Door and other doors in the palace (workaround, cast Arcane Lock on the Sinister Door. Note, this only works on the Sinister Door, not other doors requiring the ring) Pass/coronation invitation to get to Wyrm's Rock (workaround: try to finagle your positioning to fly through/past the raised drawbridge, or jump down onto the rocks below the entrance and then jump up around the raised drawbridge using jump buffs) Amulet of Bhaal (workaround: you can use Knock on the first door near the Undercity Ruins waypoint, or shoot the corpse hanging over the circle. Unclear if Knock also works for the entrance to the temple itself, but at least this can help if you're playing Durge) Shovels for digging (this is a different bug that predates the hotfix. Workaround: try shuffling the shovel around among your party members, stacking/restacking multiple shovels, or dropping it and picking it up again. Seems like one of those should likely work.) Bitter Divorce with Connor and Mayrina (workaround: stealth and open Connor's casket, then use Bitter Divorce on him. Apparently Mayrina's dialogue then triggers normally. Note: this doesn't seem to work for everyone) Magic items for Gale's "condition" (workaround: put the item in his inventory, control his character, and you can right click the item and choose Consume) Spear of Night (workaround with caveats: cast Feign Death on Shadowheart, then go through the pool. This means you will not be able to use the Spear of Night for its intended purpose ( ), limiting the outcomes possible in the Shadowfell, and it seems you won't be able to get the , but it should allow you to progress the story) No known workarounds: Art Cullagh's lute Dark Amethyst The three Netherstones for the final battle (!!), and the Orin netherstone when talking to Ketheric Infernal Iron for K's heart Madeline's ledger for He Who Was Orphic Hammer Mol's contract Githyanki egg for Esther Orpheus slate Caravan Chest for the Zhentarim Nere's head for Spaw Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength for Helsik Dawnmaster's Crest, possibly (bug appeared before hotfix) Laughing Monk cursed amulet Idol of Silvanus for Mol The rune to open Shadowheart's pod (this one genuinely distresses me, since it shows this bug is affecting even some brand-new playthroughs started post-hotfix) Ring of Mind Shielding from Omeluum (quest is not updated and he acts as if you refused it) The letter that you give to the mephit to turn it into the True Resurrection scroll for Gale Noblestalk when trying to give to SH or Derryl Tharciate Codex for Necromancy of Thay quest We just did not get any Hotfix #16 topic on this forum, nor in the Site release notes at the bottom of this page https://baldursgate3.game/Edit : Oh wait, the official site now does have the release notes, its been updated .. https://baldursgate3.game/news/hotfix-16-now-live_106
Last edited by 4lt3rn1ty; 16/01/24 05:48 PM.
Laptop Dell G15 5510 : Win 11 x64 CPU - 10th Gen' Core I7 10870H 2.2-5.0ghz, GPU - NVidia Geforce RTX 3060, VRAM 6gb GDDR5, RAM - 32gb (2x16gb Dual Channel) DDR4 2933mhz Kingston Fury Impact, SSD - Kioxia M.2 NVME 512gb (System), + Samsung M.2 NVME 970 Evo Plus 1tb (Games).
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
We have updated the original text of the Hotfix to provide some more clarity on the issues that were fixed, including the fixes to Gale and providing magic items.
The team continues to work on more issues that have been reported, thank you for taking the time to send them to our Support Team!
Last edited by Salo; 16/01/24 05:53 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Appreciate the clarification, Salo.
I wish the team could be more transparent about Minthara too. She has been persistently bugged for 5 months and there has been no word on why it�s taking so long to fix her and �the issues with her romance�
Another longstanding issue is Shield Bash being broken. Now Repelling Blast can�t be turned on/off after a recent hotfix. Please fix all this soon. I�d be more keen to send bug reports if it wasn�t so exhausting to witness the bugs multiplying after every update.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
Thank you for the update Salo!
Joined: Oct 2021
If you�re keen to give Gale the boot, and don�t have an actual shoe to share in your inventory, selecting �I�m not giving you anything. Not now, not ever�, will still cause Gale to leave your party, permanently! I misread this at first. Was confused. You meant the proverbial boot, not the literal boot. I see, I get it. * For what it's worth, I do think some folks are overreacting, especially in regards to mod-related bugs. The sky isn't always falling. Larian can be working on some of the things you want while at the same time tweaking Gale's behavior, and the post updating the reason for that tweak is understandable. I guess what I'm saying is can we please take a moment. Or yell louder. That's fine, too.
Joined: Jan 2024
Hotfix #16 broke the Eldritch Blast's Repelling Blast toggle. It's now permanently on. I was hoping this would get fixed as it's messing up my combat strategy. I am extremely disappointed in Larian because of that. Not only they broke that in one of their hotfixes, they have not fixed this in the next hotfix despite SEVERAL reports. A most iconic Warlock cantrip being broken for 2 hotfixes in a row... how? What is the point of sending out those bug reports if theyre being unheard? Just let us rollback patches on PS5 please: