Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
The thing I really hate about the idea of the Emperor being the one who tadpoled us is that if it's true and what Larian intended, then we as Tav aren't able to react to that fact. They've denied us the agency to learn that truth and make ourselves heard about it. Which is why as far as I'm concerned, that's not the case and the Emperor didn't tadpole us. Because otherwise we're just in the frustrating position of never being able to confront the person who put us in the position we're currently in and voice our feelings, be they anger or forgiveness. That information should be a major turning point for our character, something that should impact them, but it can't because it's never given to us in-game. I think that if it were true, then that just makes the game worse than it already is.
The entire Emperor story was shoehorned in at the last minute and is a railroad from start to finish, so this would be par for the course.