Originally Posted by Tharrow
I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in.

The first part of this sentence is the most sensible thing I've read in this thread, to date. The second part, though, I completely disagree with.

Unfortunately, there's very little discussion possible around this topic. Trying to have a civil conversation about it results in bans because it inevitably brings up politics and words like "woke." That leads to getting nothing more than the occasional flame post expressing hate.

I would argue that a significantly large group of people do find some of this stuff to be, for lack of a better word, disgusting. When the game attempts to "normalize" it, what happens is that the large group of people who don't find it normal end up being erased.

In other words, it's not necessarily the inclusion, but it's the inability of the people to react appropriately and organically to that inclusion. It ruins the setting and breaks immersion and ends up feeling more agenda driven than story driven. Basically, the story should be able to represent both sides of an issue in a valid manner. It fails to do so here.