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Originally Posted by Tharrow
No need to resort to namecalling. Halsin will not be in the brothel, and he WILL NOT be in the orgy, unless invited by the player to both scenarios. No sex without you not only asking for his presence, but having multiple checkpoints ahead of getting to the fade to black portion of orgy. Period. Player *must* ask him to join, and then pass through multiple checks on ongoing consent with the game, and only then will Halsin be present in the brothel scene.

This is what happens to get him in the brothel scenes: player asks him to join. Halsin will not be there unless the player puts him there.

Invites himself = he shows up in the scene without being invited by the player. Player invites him = he shows up in the scene because player invites him. When you say he invites himself, it means he invites himself. Saying, "he invites himself but I mean he doesn't invite himself and I mean he has reactivity to the environment/dialogue where he asks to participate but for shorthand I'm saying he invites himself" is a mischaracterization of the events and of his dialogue.
Alright, he asks to join there even if you put him down before and made it more than clear that you don't want to f*ck him.

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Joined: Sep 2023
Thank you for understanding the importance of that distinction.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Going to the brothel is tied to the main story. You need to talk to Voss and Raphael in there. You might just be walking around and talking to people to hear gossip, or whatever.

It's also part of a side quest. The lady that runs the brothel thanks you for finding the corpse of one of her employees and says the reward is something the drows have. You can go to them naively thinking it's not just about sex and happen to have Halsin with you because he was acting normal up until then and you liked him as a friend and found him useful.

You're not inviting him to the orgy unless you specifically go there afterwards with the intention to initiate that scene.

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Joined: Oct 2023
Here's to the newcomers on the latest page and to those downplaying the reasons why people don't like Halsin:

Lots of us have experienced the unwanted advances from Halsin confusing whatever minor interaction our characters have with him as "treating him like a lover". Fine, unwanted advances seems to be the trend of romance in the game. That can slide. If you and Shadowheart wanna try some prostitutes out, that isn't Halsin's business unless he's been specifically invited. He already knows that you aren't interested, why is he asking again? Because last time I checked, just because a couple wants to try some prostitutes/open relationship doesn't mean their bed is open to absolutely everybody. Especially the one one of them said "no" to.

Since it's been established that there are no secrets in the camp with everybody knowing your business for some reason, Shadowheart also knows that you don't want to involve Halsin. She should respect that, just like how I'd assume that you wouldn't go through with the orgy or chew her out for not being okay with it either (basically doing a: "Tav disapproves"). Hence the disrespect this creates. Not to mention, with the way she acts outside of the the brothel you would never know about this at all. If she were written to be the type to obviously be into swinging, orgies, and whatever, many of the threads and feedback posts complaining about it simply wouldn't exist. I know I wouldn't have wasted time on her. If a mono romancer of hers found out about it (Indirectly, like a youtube video. This is literally me, I would've been blissfully unaware about it if I didn't watch the video) of course they would be unhappy, it's human. It would be natural if they took it seriously, just like how people took Karlach getting lazy shitty endings seriously. If you were poly/into having sex with everyone, I expect that kind of thing shouldn't bother you. However please try to understand why the mono players don't like it when they find out.

Gonna post this here since it's a new page

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Originally Posted by Tharrow
I think that Halsin proposing to a coupled-up avatar as a culturally nonmonogamous guy is never going to feel right to people disgusted by nonmonogamy no matter what revisions are made to his writing, so appeasing them should not factor in.

The first part of this sentence is the most sensible thing I've read in this thread, to date. The second part, though, I completely disagree with.

Unfortunately, there's very little discussion possible around this topic. Trying to have a civil conversation about it results in bans because it inevitably brings up politics and words like "woke." That leads to getting nothing more than the occasional flame post expressing hate.

I would argue that a significantly large group of people do find some of this stuff to be, for lack of a better word, disgusting. When the game attempts to "normalize" it, what happens is that the large group of people who don't find it normal end up being erased.

In other words, it's not necessarily the inclusion, but it's the inability of the people to react appropriately and organically to that inclusion. It ruins the setting and breaks immersion and ends up feeling more agenda driven than story driven. Basically, the story should be able to represent both sides of an issue in a valid manner. It fails to do so here.

Joined: Nov 2023
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Ametris
Going to the brothel is tied to the main story. You need to talk to Voss and Raphael in there. You might just be walking around and talking to people to hear gossip, or whatever.

It's also part of the murder investigation because it's Valeria's drinking haunt, a possible way to gain entrance to the city via the toymaker angle and you can fish for information about Nine-Fingers. The brothel is a pretty central quest hub for the area.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Anska
Originally Posted by Ametris
Going to the brothel is tied to the main story. You need to talk to Voss and Raphael in there. You might just be walking around and talking to people to hear gossip, or whatever.

It's also part of the murder investigation because it's Valeria's drinking haunt, a possible way to gain entrance to the city via the toymaker angle and you can fish for information about Nine-Fingers. The brothel is a pretty central quest hub for the area.

This, I knew there was more stuff happening there, but couldn't remember the other quests. Thanks!

Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
No need to resort to namecalling. Halsin will not be in the brothel, and he WILL NOT be in the orgy, unless invited by the player to both scenarios. No sex without you not only asking for his presence, but having multiple checkpoints ahead of getting to the fade to black portion of orgy. Period. Player *must* ask him to join, and then pass through multiple checks on ongoing consent with the game, and only then will Halsin be present in the brothel scene.

This is what happens to get him in the brothel scenes: player asks him to join. Halsin will not be there unless the player puts him there.

Invites himself = he shows up in the scene without being invited by the player. Player invites him = he shows up in the scene because player invites him. When you say he invites himself, it means he invites himself. Saying, "he invites himself but I mean he doesn't invite himself and I mean he has reactivity to the environment/dialogue where he asks to participate but for shorthand I'm saying he invites himself" is a mischaracterization of the events and of his dialogue.
Friend, Halsin's behavior in the brothel is wrong. Look at Zevran's scene in DAO and see how things change, since there it's the player who invites Zevran (and of course, no one was offended and there was no controversy about it). This thread was born because the user didn't know that Halsin would suddenly say, "Hey, can I join?". The player shouldn't have to know this, especially when in Acts 1 and 2 there was no indication that Halsin would be like that. And when you put a guy who you've only talked to a couple of times at best, or whom you've already rejected, it suggests that the guy can't control his impulses and even implies that he's taking advantage of the situation to sleep with your romance option (yes, because Halsin only accepts when your romance option does, which is strange).

There was a similar thread on Discord a while ago about someone who had the same thing happen but with Astarion, called "Seriously, make Halsin less creepy in a sexual way". The post had over 70 upvotes, meaning it was one of the most upvoted comments. The user even says in their post: "In real life, I would kick someone like this out of my home and never interact with them again."

If you think Halsin's behavior is acceptable, that's fine. If you ask me, it's not at all.
PD: Even the guy disapproves of you if you reject him.

Last edited by Sobocles; 20/01/24 02:26 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by AmayaTenjo
Originally Posted by Sobocles
Okay, so are you okay with Halsin's behavior in the game?

Yes and no. There's behavior that I do like, or I wouldn't like him in the first place. I'm head over heels in love with the man. But I'm not ok with him inviting himself into sex with people he's not in a relationship with, or at east hasnt had previous consent for sex. Who tf bring up the idea of an orgy with friends for the first time in a scenario like that? If he was interested in group sex with Tav and friends why wait to be in a brothel? If he wants to sleep with the drow twins that bad he can just pay for it and do it himself.. Im not okay with him flirting with SH when hes not in a relationship with her, shes in a relationship with Tav, and Tav already turned him down.

Originally Posted by Sobocles
Do you endorse it?
Not really.

Originally Posted by Sobocles
Do you think the polyamorous proposal he makes to the player is well written
Yes, I think his proposal is fine. Its after the proposal I have issues with. With Astarion in particular: Astarion clearly is giving off vibes he doesnt fully consent to the situation, and doesnt participate in sex with Tav, let alone sex with Tav AND Halsin. With Halsin's emphasis on consent and him being poly and sexually experienced, I dont understand how he can be that oblivious to Astarions discomfort. Tav as well, they should both be able to sense that Astarion isnt okay, its never addressed, and it completely invalidates the emphasis on consent. Consent doesnt matter if Halsin and Tav get what they want. The whole poly thing was handled badly imho. It was rushed and not thought through, because they needed to justify his late romantic addition to the game without pissing off players and ruining the relationships they spent the last 2 acts building. His reason for being non mono is stupid and incorrect; he basically says its not natural which is a load of crap. Both mono (seasonally, for life, etc.) and non mono matings happen in nature. He says this because the writer doesnt seem to understand nature or druids. If we are gonna go the Wood Elf culture route: why not just say that? "Its just my culture", if its just how he chooses to live why cant he just say "I choose to not be mono". But if its really not for him as he says why does he tell Tav "I only want you"? If he only wants Tav, that implies he wants to be with Tav, he doesnt seem interested in others, and if Tav only wants him back then its done. They only want eachother. This may change later like in ANY relationship, but it doesnt need to go further than that if thats how it is. If he is the only one romanced by Tav, he makes no effort to romance/sleep with anyone else. Why not? IF hes poly why wouldnt he bring someone else in at some point in the game? When he is romanced by Tav, he wants Tav to persue others even if Tav is mechanically locked out of the other romances; he still makes no effort to be with others. Its almost like he wants Tav to be poly, or is using him being poly as a way to hide that he wants Tav to sleep with others. Hes only poly through Tav when Tav is poly, he does not pursue anyone unromanced on his own, he only goes for people that are romanced to Tav. If hes poly he doesnt need to push Tav to be poly when he can just go be poly himself but he wont do it. IF hes poly how come he is only poly with people who are in a relationship with Tav? Wouldnt it make sense for him to pursue people on his own and get consent from Tav to bring them in? Im fine with him being sex positive, Im fine with him being open to share, and Im fine with him being poly in concept. But he doesnt ACT like it. Plus he wont even define the relationship as poly, or a relationship at all as far as I know unless they did an update. "What we have is fluid" bullshit, and goes against the initial proposal. There has to be a relationship definition or theres no consent, how can you consent to something that isnt clear and defined? If he wants a poly relationship he needs to acknowledge the relationship as poly, not refuse to define it, he could say "I enjoy our relationship, I care for you and so and so dearly" instead of "I only want you, but I want others to find happiness with you" its mixed messages. And if the excuse is "Oh he was added last minute they diddnt have time" then they shouldnt have ever gone down this route to begin with then. Even then, he says stuff like "My heart is not easily moved" or something like that. He can still be poly, but it seems strange to me that all of the sudden, if he doesnt fall in love easy, that hed suddenly fall in love with 2 people. Which leads me to my next point:

Even in the polyships, hes the side piece. Hes only there for Tav and Astarion/Sharts sexual pleasure and thats it. The game and the fans can call it a poly relationship all it wants but thats the truth of it. Hes not an equal member of the relationship. If he was hed be with them in their epilogues. Hed be with Tav and Shart on the farm. Hed be with Tav and Astarion in the city, or they would be with him and the orphans. Its not 3 people in love with eachother, which is what I assume they were attempting to do, o rtrying to LOOK liek they were attempting to do, but failed miserably.

If its just for sex, and isnt a poly relationship, why does his romance dialogue seem to say otherwise? This means that either Halsin is using Tav and their partner for sex under the guise of a relationship, which he diddnt get consent to do, or Tav and their partner are using Halsin for sex; which just makes me sad because he is my beloved, not a sex toy.

His epilogue seems to fix the biggest issue I had with him which was, even if solomanced, he up and leaves you with no option to join him. He basically breaks up with you ontop of all the mixed messages and games he plays.

Originally Posted by Sobocles
or that you can only talk about his past with the drow if you engage in an orgy with him?

I hate this whole scenario. It was handled so incredibly badly that even though they kind of fixed it for many people the whole concept is tainted for me. This should have been addressed BEFORE hiring the drow.

Originally Posted by Sobocles
What improvements would you suggest for Halsin currently?

-cut the Drow SA plot; it adds absolutely nothing to his character, doesnt come up outside of Sharess' Caress and we have plenty of other characters with SA to deal with. It was handled so incredibly badly I really feel that it is actively harmful. If it MUST be kept, it COULD come up when you go to the Underdark.

-cut the chimera banter. I dont know much about DnD Chimeras but Im assuming theyre like beasts/animals, and Halsin implying hes slept with one is controversial alone, but he is a DRUID. AN ARCH DRUID. Can you imagine if he had the same banter about the Boar in the grove?

-I want them to explore more of his playful side, I want to laugh and have a little fun with him.

-He needs at least 1 long rest cutscene before act 3 if romanced, maybe something to do with nature so they can connect on a common interest. I have several ideas for some that Im going to explore with Fanfiction that take place over the course of the end of the Tiefling party to Act 2, as well as dialogue.

-he needs more dialogue, and they need to move his existing dialogue around. Theres no reason for him to open up about himself so late. Do we really need to wait until Thaniel is rescued before he tells us he likes Honey, ducks, how big he is, and how he got his scars?

-He needs to be able to control his bear form. His inability to control it comes up twice, once in the goblin camp and in his sex scene. In the goblin camp he warns that he bear might get aggressive and to not bring him along if you want to sneakily kill the cult leaders, which never happens ever in game when you actually play with him. Even in the battle at Last Light Inn he seems to be able to control it just fine. In his sex scene hes just so horny he loses control. He is an ARCH DRUID, not a were bear.

-cut down on the sex just a little bit. I love that hes open, enthusiastic, energetic, etc etc. But as it is its creepy and predetory.

-If Tav is solomancing him then the whole poly bit really doesnt need to be brought up at all. If he only wants Tav as he says, and Tav only wants him, then thats all there needs to happen. None of this our relationship is fluid non monogamy isnt for me dialogue needs to happen. IF you ask him about the relationship solomanced, it needs to reflect that they are solomanced.

Also this:

Originally Posted by Gandalfthefool
I have no problem with Halsin being into sex, my problems are that's all he has. Not to mention he just flirts with Shadowheart even though I have no relationship with him, you can only learn about his time as a slave if you have sex with the twins, (unless your a drow tav), he has nothing else. It comes off as the writers doubling down on the early access players thirsting for him. He didn't turn out well imo. I agree with others that he feels more of a parody of himself from act 1 or 2 in act 3.

Hello, thank you for responding. I see that a lot of Halsin's fans came because of the question I asked, that's fine, in fact, I did it on purpose as I knew that would happen xD. I wanted to raise the discussion a bit with people who think differently. I see that despite your love for the character, you were very critical of him, which I appreciate because I also tend to be very critical even of things I like when I see something isn't quite right. I liked it because you looked at the problem not only from Halsin's perspective but also from Astarion's, out of all the people who commented your comment seemed the most complete, thank you for sharing it, regards.

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Tharrow
others want Halsin to be edited to fit more with the monogamous headcanons they made about him when they played early access.
He was added by fan request from EA! Otherwise, he wouldn�t even be a companion or romance.

It does make me consider what I should send as feedback for any future EA Larian might have! In EA everyone was playersexual, which is what I prefer, so my feedback didn�t include anything about sexuality. I don�t like the idea of being that specific in my feedback because I don�t like gating other people from romances. On the other hand there is no point to send feedback that results in myself being gated or a romance I don�t like. So, I will have to think about that and how best to send EA feedback!

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Sobocles
This thread was born because the user didn't know that Halsin would suddenly say, "Hey, can I join?".

This thread was born because the user wanted to take advantage of the Christmas holiday when mods were busy to post a threat of physical violence against Larian staff because of uncontrolled and inappropriate feelings of gamer rage when a pile of pixels disapproved of declining her hope for another character of her preference to accompany her to the player's orgy with siblings. Speaking of wrong actions.

Halsin being present in the brothel is player choice. For me, when I bring characters to the brothel, I am interested in what the characters think about being in the brothel. Halsin thinks, I want to pay for sex here. And that does not creep me out. It creeps others out, but I don't think that it's wrong.

As a separate issue from him saying anything at all in the brothel - Halsin having the same reactive dialogue to the opportunity for paid sex no matter what's come before RP-wise: different players will feel it is disgusting, wrong, pathetic, desperate, creepy, enraging, unacceptable. Halsin wants to have sex with the twin prostitutes. In his current characterization, which I like, he doesn't care how the player has treated him, he maintains persistent interest in paying for sex at the brothel regardless of player's RP choices up to that point, right? If the player wishes for his company now, even if they've insulted him previously, if player invites him to that scene he shows up to the scene. This is consistent with his characterization overall, imo, specifically his reaction to partial break-ups.

Are you trying to be unkind to me by calling me friend? Or are you sincere? Are we besties? :3

Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
Originally Posted by Sobocles
This thread was born because the user didn't know that Halsin would suddenly say, "Hey, can I join?".

This thread was born because the user wanted to take advantage of the Christmas holiday when mods were busy to post a threat of physical violence against Larian staff because of uncontrolled and inappropriate feelings of gamer rage when a pile of pixels disapproved of declining her hope for another character of her preference to accompany her to the player's orgy with siblings. Speaking of wrong actions.

Halsin being present in the brothel is player choice. For me, when I bring characters to the brothel, I am interested in what the characters think about being in the brothel. Halsin thinks, I want to pay for sex here. And that does not creep me out. It creeps others out, but I don't think that it's wrong.

As a separate issue from him saying anything at all in the brothel - Halsin having the same reactive dialogue to the opportunity for paid sex no matter what's come before RP-wise: different players will feel it is disgusting, wrong, pathetic, desperate, creepy, enraging, unacceptable. Halsin wants to have sex with the twin prostitutes. In his current characterization, which I like, he doesn't care how the player has treated him, he maintains persistent interest in paying for sex at the brothel regardless of player's RP choices up to that point, right? If the player wishes for his company now, even if they've insulted him previously, if player invites him to that scene he shows up to the scene. This is consistent with his characterization overall, imo, specifically his reaction to partial break-ups.

Are you trying to be unkind to me by calling me friend? Or are you sincere? Are we besties? :3
I have no problem paying for him to have his fun there with twins, if I said I don't want to fuck him, it means that I don't want to fuck him under any circumstances. If I ever to change my mind - it should be on player to tell him that and invite him there, not the other way around(it feels like he is trying again and again and again). "Just don't bring him there lmao" is a bad argument because you expect consistency and apropriate reactivity to choices that you made prior to this brothel situation(aka. you stated to him that you are not interested in him). I literally have no problem paying these drows so he can have his time with them, just stay away from my character and respect what was said to him before.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
Halsin being present in the brothel is player choice.

As was mentioned earlier, you might just be there to do quests and gather information and have no intention of indulging in the services offered. In that case Halsin is just a friend or an ally who you're travelling with.

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Joined: Sep 2023
It remains player choice.

Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
So, if you had a friend who you went to a resturant with for business purposes and they suddenly asked you to share your meal with them and act like you're a couple, you'd like that? And if then they kept insisting you do that even after getting rejected (you still want to hang out with your friend and think you were clear that you don't want to do certain things with them), you'd consider that normal and appropriate?

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Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
It remains player choice.
Listen. You can turn him down is his offer with "If I wanted to rut with half a tonne of dumb muscles, I'd seduce a deep rothe", which indicates that player doesn't want any sexual encounter with Halsin.
Halsin's stans like to say that he is all about consent and he is so mature etc. But shouldn't this be the end of it? Player doesn't want to f*ck Halsin.
Does this stop our consent king? No, he propositions a threesome in a banter that he engages with SH("If you and your love blablabla...").
Does this stop our consent king in a brothel? No, he straight away asks again. If you are in party, that doesn't mean that you are automatically invited. Besides drows talks specifically to you and your LI.
Does this stop our consent king in a brothel next time if he was put down AGAIN in a brothel before? No. he tries every time.
It's ok to disagree there sir, but at this point don't try to call him "consent king" or "mature" or not creepy(because lets be fair, what I described above is pretty creepy).
Originally Posted by Ametris
So, if you had a friend who you went to a resturant with for business purposes and they suddenly asked you to share your meal with them and act like you're a couple, you'd like that? And if then they kept insisting you do that even after getting rejected (you still want to hang out with your friend and think you were clear that you don't want to do certain things with them), you'd consider that normal and appropriate?

Last edited by Netav; 20/01/24 03:37 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Tharrow
Originally Posted by Sobocles
This thread was born because the user didn't know that Halsin would suddenly say, "Hey, can I join?".

This thread was born because the user wanted to take advantage of the Christmas holiday when mods were busy to post a threat of physical violence against Larian staff because of uncontrolled and inappropriate feelings of gamer rage when a pile of pixels disapproved of declining her hope for another character of her preference to accompany her to the player's orgy with siblings. Speaking of wrong actions.

Halsin being present in the brothel is player choice. For me, when I bring characters to the brothel, I am interested in what the characters think about being in the brothel. Halsin thinks, I want to pay for sex here. And that does not creep me out. It creeps others out, but I don't think that it's wrong.

As a separate issue from him saying anything at all in the brothel - Halsin having the same reactive dialogue to the opportunity for paid sex no matter what's come before RP-wise: different players will feel it is disgusting, wrong, pathetic, desperate, creepy, enraging, unacceptable. Halsin wants to have sex with the twin prostitutes. In his current characterization, which I like, he doesn't care how the player has treated him, he maintains persistent interest in paying for sex at the brothel regardless of player's RP choices up to that point, right? If the player wishes for his company now, even if they've insulted him previously, if player invites him to that scene he shows up to the scene. This is consistent with his characterization overall, imo, specifically his reaction to partial break-ups.

Are you trying to be unkind to me by calling me friend? Or are you sincere? Are we besties? :3

I called you friend because I was trying to be polite LOL if you took it as an insult or as an attempt to make you angry, that's your problem haha (aww and you're using emojis too? how cute :3)
It's fine friend, I see that you like how Halsin behaves but don't condemn people who don't. For me, that self-invitation is not appropriate.
As I said, Halsin didn't behave like this in Act 1 and 2. The first time I played, I found out about what Halsin was doing from a YouTube video,
and actually, I thought that Halsin only did this when the player accepted his poly proposal, but when I discovered he always did it, I was like, what the hell xD
Anyone with common sense wouldn't imagine that someone you previously rejected would keep insisting on the matter.
If Halsin was a wise 400-year-old druid, he wouldn't be doing it, all that understanding attitude the druid shows seems to be a facade hidden by
a guy who's obsessed with fucking, and that's it, which for many people is disgusting and repulsive.

Joined: Dec 2020
Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by Normnd2025
Go play with some toys then go to sleep like a good girl. Never forget the only people who existed past and always are straight people men and women smile no others

Yeah, reported. You will not talk to me like that. Take your sexism and homophobia out of here and go back to the Steam pithole.

NIara and papercut Ninja: I agree completely with you.

And about the brothrel: You can have him wit hyou by accident. I talked to anyone everywhere in my first playthrough - and especially in the brothrel, because the murder investigation lead there and I thought, someone might know something. I talked to the twins too and asked them about the murders - and then saw the guy with the exploxive toys standing next to them and moved on.
I didn't have Halsin with me, but Shadowheart. The drow did offer, I think and I said no. If Halsin would have been with me, because I didn't know by then, I had a creep with me, that scene would have gone south really quickly (my little bard girl romanced Shadowheart).

Last edited by fylimar; 20/01/24 04:35 PM.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Guys I think there will always be someone will try to tell you something around the lines that up = down. There will be no point arguing with them.

With that being said, I honestly wonder how many people would come to the defense of Halsin if he wasn't made to be traditionally attractive. The dude so far looks like he has the Halo Effect going for him right now. If you don't know what that is it basically means that a person very attracted to someone is probably going to assume the best of them in most situations. For example Person A is very attractive: tall, handsome, well built, introverted. Most will say that this person is mysterious and deep or something. Person B: short, has acne, overweight, introverted. Most will say that there's something wrong with this person and that they're weird. I hate it, but this is a real thing that happens and chances are most people here and have thought this way at some point. Guess which one Halsin is in this scenario.

Anyway, the only defense he really gets is this:

. His actions aren't creepy for those who are blindly attracted to him (let's be real most of the people who defend him are noticeably obsessed with him in this regard). But there are some of his fans who are attracted to him yet also notice that he can be creepy. Same with Karlach, I can understand why you would think her "ride you until you see stars" line sounds creepy, I won't condemn you for it nor do I agree with it for reasons besides being attracted to her. But I understand.

. You shouldn't find his creepy actions creepy because he should be treated like a wild animal when he's in fact just an old man who should know better. He's supposed to be mature and wise yet he acts like the loser in you can find in a pub. "Hey I'm interested in you" "No, I'm taken" "They can join"

. "He preaches consent" Halsin doesn't practice what he preaches. In fact what he practices is "no will eventually turn into yes". Again I would have told Halsin to bugger off immediately if I could during that banter with SH.

Last edited by Ehhhh123; 20/01/24 06:48 PM.
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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by fylimar
And about the brothrel: You can have him wit hyou by accident. I talked to anyone everywhere in my first playthrough - and especially in the brothrel, because the murder investigation lead there and I thought, someone might know something. I talked to the twins too and asked them about the murders - and then saw the guy with the exploxive toys standing next to them and moved on.
I didn't have Halsin with me, but Shadowheart. The drow did offer, I think and I said no. If Halsin would have been with me, because I didn't know by then, I had a creep with me, that scene would have gone south really quickly (my little bard girl romanced Shadowheart).

That's exactly what I went through. I happened to have Halsin with me then. It was also during the interlude of a sexless relationship with Astarion and after doing a dryad test that day, which put me in a soft, romantic mood. To put it very mildly - it was a jarring experience.

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