Originally Posted by Sobocles
Hello, thank you for responding. I see that a lot of Halsin's fans came because of the question I asked, that's fine, in fact, I did it on purpose as I knew that would happen xD. I wanted to raise the discussion a bit with people who think differently. I see that despite your love for the character, you were very critical of him, which I appreciate because I also tend to be very critical even of things I like when I see something isn't quite right. I liked it because you looked at the problem not only from Halsin's perspective but also from Astarion's, out of all the people who commented your comment seemed the most complete, thank you for sharing it, regards.

Thank you for positing the questions and for taking the time to read my response. I thought the questions were good and I spent most of my workday pondering them. Im still not sure I was able to fully and clearly express myself but I appreciate your time none the less. Lets hope the thread will continue to have relatively calm discourse similar to what you and I have had.