Originally Posted by Thunderbolt
Eh, I'd say it's pretty inaccurate. Skyrim sure, Witcher 3 and Elden Ring, no so much.
They both have branching paths/choices and endings and frankly, more interesting than BG3's choices being good vs dumb bad. They also have more endings than BG3 had on release too. And while not as mechannically complex, they both require as much, if not more, thought put into a build or fighting a boss. Not to mention the amount of items and abilities you can get as well (Morso for ER than W3).

Sorry the premise I was agreeing with is that most people see an RPG via the action adventure model of RPG and not the classic RPG of group/party as well as turn based.

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt
Edit: Ignoring whether or not the combat is "dumbed down" or "streamlined", I'd consider the character's writing and the story itself (the lack of interesting alternate pathways, the inconsistencies in the plot and some aspects of the companions) to be a compromise from the cRPG genre.

I agree with you, the CRPG genre typically has deeper story to them than the action adventure style games.