Originally Posted by BornUnderPunches
Are you suggesting I have to READ all of that to even have a remotly chance to have a fun in this game?
If I wanted to read, I'll just get a book.
I'm at part when I have some spell from Evelyn house and game just expect me to know what to do.
If the game expects me to consume entire library to just play it, then no thank you
Just give me waypoints and arrow markers
If you get stuck, then yes, you'll have to read. If not, then not. It doesn't hold your hand and teach you how to play it. You'll have to figure it out by yourself. This will only get worse when you reaching the more difficult fights. You'll have to think. This is strategic combat, not Diablo 4.

If you only want to know where to go, roughly, try this:

If this doesn't work out, and you still don't want to read, nor to learn the game mechanics, drop it.