Originally Posted by ChaosDukemon
I could be wrong, but should "Dark Urge" actually have 2 tadpoles in its skull?
Why did it need another larva now? If not, why didn't this mind flayer know that there was already a tadpole?
That should be the case, Durge's tadpoling seems very different than Tav's, The Dark Urge storyline would contradict the beginning cutscene if Durge only had 1 Tadpole.

Spoilers Ahead
Durge was Tadpoled before going on the Nautiloid, then the cutscene shows Durge getting Tadpoled again aboard the same Nautiloid

Also the guy who Tadpoled us isn't the Emperor, all you need to do is look at the Eyes, most Mindflayers have generic Orange eyes but the Emperor however has Purple eyes which makes him unique compared to other mindflayers.