The Dark Urge does contradict the opening cinematic, and they're not the only one, because it was made very early in development and intended only for Tav's perspective.

It is a relic from early development when the game's narrative used to be incredibly consistent with all of the gameplay aspects while Tav was the only playable character, because it was tied to the Dreamer as the very beginning of their relationship. Which is why as soon as we get tadpoled the Dreamer asks "Who are you?" and the character creation opens, thus becoming known as "the Voice on the ship" to both the main character and Shadowheart (not other companions because their dreamers were all unique to them).

Since then plenty of new stuff got added, plenty of stuff got cut and tons of stuff completely rewritten, which is why the cinematic does not fit anyone playing as the Dark Urge, Lae'zel, Karlach and Wyll.

  • Lae'zel can't be roleplayed since her being tadpoled is from another person's perspective.
  • Karlach and Wyll can't be roleplayed at all since they only get tadpoled afterwards in Avernus.
  • And Dark Urge can't be roleplayed since they were tadpoled weeks prior to the Nautiloid event.

So the Dark Urge is not tadpoled twice nor even tadpoled on the Nautiloid, that is simply Tav in the cinematic who it was originally made for.

Which is why Larian should have separated the spawn pods for Tav and Durge, and to keep the narrative consistent place Tav's corpse in the original pod if the player ain't playing them (similarly to what they did with Durge if the player doesn't play him).