The writers didn't have to. They, or rather Larian, choose to in order to sell the game for thirsting.

Look for example to Rogue Trader. The equivalent to Shadowheart would be Sister Argenta. Good looking (depending on taste) early female companion.

And she can't be romanced. Not a single bit. Because that would not fit her character (and there are many people who are disappointed by that).

Owlcat prioritises story and immersion, you know the thing RPGs depend on.
Larian throws those core values of RPGs out of the window and instead goes to cheap sex sales to people that do not care about RPGs. And they made sure people knew it by putting bear sex into a large promo event.

And its a shame that BG3 sold so much better than Rogue Trader by sacrificing core values so sell porn to the masses.

Last edited by Ixal; 31/01/24 02:06 PM.