I can't think of anything more cerebral
for a glorious b flick classic ending than a climax at the top of an actually towering brain. It's just kinda funny that's where it goes for the last kaboom lol.

When we pass through the final portal, I really didn't expect to see a brain to blow up, but like a situation where the brain was trying to dominate us from within by showing us people we'd met and having them make various appeals. Like all the Allies we'd recruited, but then using that to bait and trap us. Effectively where the story/gameplay is us trying to avoid final domination or turn the tables. So when they said 17,000 combinations, I thought it might be like that just because all the NPCs would come back in some insane final level where we're not on top of the brain but inside it.

So sorta like ending on a puzzler of that sort where the doppelganger rouse has taken us to its full extreme. Perhaps then the camp epilogues are just a set up? They could use that as a vehicle to launch it into whatever next direction for the follow up. Fighting our way through the mind of the Netherbrain seems kinda similar in concept to something like the descent through hell via pocket plane to the throne of Bhaal.

Like you could go pretty much anywhere with that set up, cause then the brain could just become the narrator/dm. Our recruitable companions might be anyone we can remember, and the game just messes with us forever by throwing us back to the beginning that way. Where it started out, but with slight tweaks for each out. Then all the little adjustments made here and there can just live forever in the variant runs hehe.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 01/02/24 04:01 AM.