[quote=Crimsomrider]It's not really important so I don't wish to derail the thread further by disproving the "Daisy = Absolute" or "Daisy = Tadpole" beliefs. This was all disproven during Early Access and especially with full release, so it's pointless in my opinion to discuss that.

What #saeran said. Your power of deduction are impressive and you deserve to recognized for how much you got right. But you've not proven that Daisy wasn't the absolute in an early draft. One of your predictions was correct: there are rival ghaik factions. And yes we agree that the emperor tadpoled us and was piloting the craft.

But Daisy? She could have been either The Emperor or the Elder Brain. I'm going for the absolute - that best explains the [true soul] tag and datamined content that Tavs with [true soul] could be dominated by Nere. (and still exists in some form with his Honor mode boss fight)