Very high DC's?

There's a handful of doors I know that take a DC30 to lockpick.

But, you know.
Get your high dex character with sleitgh of hand proficiency [expertise], guidance, cat's grace, Bardic Inspiration and presto. Maybe roll twice.
Failing all that..... KNOCK. But those instances are stupidly rare. I'm actually surprised there are *so* many DC10 locks everywhere that your 10Dex Cleric can lockpick. What's the point of having a thief these days? Or rather, why do people in this world bother with locking things?

Now, certain dialogue choices are high, for sure - convincing that Red Dude to join your team instead of his boss' team. But that *should* be hard and only possible if you're the smoothest talker since Christopher HItchens. Then again, these DC's are at the very end of the game, too - where you have sufficient means to boost your abilities.

And, there is of course a handful of the 99 rolls. Those can only be succeeded on a nat 20; but that too is by design. You know, 'resist the big bad' or 'lockpick the most secure vault door on the Sword Coast'

Fear my wrath, for it is great indeed.