Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
What do you find compelling about him? Do you think he's well written? Do you identify with him? Or do you just like dealing with a manipulator?

What I love about him is that he gets stuff done by doing what needs to be done without hesitation, which does not make him a hero for sure but also does not make him a villain since even though he knows what he's doing isn't right, at the same time he won't hesitate to do what's necessary. Because sometimes there is no right or wrong choice, there is only what needs to be done.

A character with a clearly set stance and admirable strive to survive as an anti-hero who even though does manipulate, is not doing it out of some malicious intent. Our survival truly depends on his survival and vice versa which is why he is trying to do things the way he considers best to maximize everyone's chances, which not only ends up saving the world through us, but also us multiple times through him and by doing so himself. So he may not necessarily be a conventional friend, but that doesn't mean he is our enemy either.

It's an alliance born out of necessity and I find this whole back-n-forth dynamic interesting to explore as I peel the layers behind his "truths". One may not agree with his actions, but they're a necessity to ensure we get to see another day and that's what I love about him a lot.

i dislike emperor and i do not think emperor is a trustable companion, because emperor kills ansur.

emperor has an very bad point, that is he puts his surviving in the highest point, nothing can stop this purpose despite he must betray or backstab his best friend.

we have to understand -- "a soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live".

Last edited by stevelin7; 04/02/24 12:44 PM.