Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Of course he will because as I mentioned if you mistreat him by acting towards him like he's just a mindflayer who cannot be trusted, he'll lash out because he is NOT an emotionless mindflayer. He does truly have feelings because numerous times he gets annoyed when he's being mistreated after everything he's been doing for us. And in that particular moment he truly does like you (Insight check).

And he will lash out like a sociopath would. When someone ignores consent ("I'll take that as a yes", the emperor replies, if you tell him no), when they threaten you to force compliance, that goes beyond being angry with someone.

The protagonist's words and the emperor's response are not on the same level. If someone tells you they don't trust you because of who you are, by all means, call them out on being hurtful. But forcing someone to listen how you enslaved someone, to try to intimidate them into obedience, is frankly disturbing. And it is not something I'd ever find any understading towards.