Originally Posted by Anska
Power is only a good thing as long as you do not loose what makes you you for it. Which is why squid Orpheus asks for death in the end. He is most scared of loosing himself.
The scene also serves to contrast the Emperor's cold, immoral outlook. Orpheus willingly makes the sacrifice to become a Mindflayer without hesitation and knowing that he won't be the same person and a potential threat to others he asks for the release of death. The Emperor, when put in a similar situation, would rather survive for survival's sake even if it means that he has to walk over the bodies of is friends and allies. I don't get how anyone can watch that squid snack on the brain of such an infinitely more noble man without wanting to kill him. The fact that the Emperor then has the gall to tell you not to judge him is merely the icing on the cake.