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Baldur's Gate III - General Jump to new posts
Gayming awards 2024 ZOZO1006 4 hours ago
Congratulations Larian.

Good job an awesome achievement.
I hope Swen will put those awards somewhere public.
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Baldur's Gate III - Story & Character Discussion Jump to new posts
Did I stumble into a rare ending with Rafael? Buba68 9 hours ago
I talked at the brothel with Rafael and told him that I will "think about" his offer.
And did not do anything about it.
After the first encounter with the Netherbrain I told Emperor to bugger off, and then devil showed up and with An Offer I Could not refuse, so I sold my soul for The Hammer.
I freed Orpheus, had him become an Illithid, and went on to High Hall.
Then, at the Brain Stem, I agreed to Gale's offer to go and blow himself up, ignoring Orpheus' pouting. Gales was a gonner anyway, so why not use his death in a useful manner?
Gale waved goodbye and started climbing, then KABOOM!, the quay scene, the afterparty, and credits.
My son - who watches and reads all the spoilery stuff on Youtube and Reddit/Facebook, says I bypassed some Rafael cutscenes/monologues, as I destroyed the Crown of Krassus.
Is he correct, that through my twitchy finger on the spacebar in cutscenes and ignoring half or more of quests I bumbled into a rare ending?

In short - I did not do ANYTHING about the Hammer, sold my soul to Rafael, then had Gale blow up the Netherbrain.
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Multiplayer Bug, Game stops working until I leave... DrHell 13 hours ago
I have a problem in Baldur's Gate 3 now for quiet some time...

Some months ago after the game came out I played it with a friend of mine for like ,3 playthoroughs. But suddenly it started to completely bug out for me. When we played it just randomly started to cause issues like not able to talk to someone, not able to interact, move, grab anything or anything else. Sometimes also I can't end my turn in combat or not even attack. And it lasts every time for everyone until I leave the game. Then it works for everyone else again. So I am clearly causing the issues but I don't, understand why. It not just bugs out now for me and my friend it also bugs out when we play with others people too like in a group of 4. It just doesn't work anymore for me. Sometimes the problem happens after 3 minutes and sometimes it holds up an whole hour before snthjg happens...

I already completely deleted the game and all files, and reinstalled it but the problem keeps happening. My internet should be stable and everything fine so I don't know why I have this problem.

Please help I can't play the game anymore with my friends if that stuff keeps on happening to me and can't be solved except if I leave...

I am playing on PS5 btw...
0 44 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Forum issues, Durge cape issues Silver/ Yesterday at 10:33 PM
Issue 1/Technical

First off, I wanted to create a new account as it would have been so much faster, but that option is currently unavailable. Literally -- "Fehlerhinweis für Inhaber der Website: schlüsssltyp ungültig" - the captcha program stopped working, with an error message that denotes it as explicitly forum owner business. You might want to get that looked at.

Secondly, the "temporary password" just would not work. Took me half an hour to log in after digging up the correct old email. I could not remember my name.

Thirdly, half your unhide/show password icons are missing and copy key disabled, which makes checking if a password is entered correctly a small mess on top.

Issue 2/bug?

Is it a bug? I don't know... I can't remember the English name for the item, but there is only one cape. I remember it working with any enemy kills before, but on this new run:

- full custom party
- cape on night 2
- forgot about it, only noticed it had not activated once by the time I killed the spider matriarch. I've wiped out the entire blighted village, several undead, some NPCs, etc, nothing. Is there a new condition to get it to work, or is the item currently completely dysfunctional? It doesn't seem related to temporary hostility or undead status, it just does nothing. For the record, I'm working with several mods ATM, none of which have caused issues yet, but just in case.
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Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Annoying Portrait Art Bug Ragnarök Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Just recently I came back to BG3 after having paused playing it shortly after the first full release (already played the ea version, too). Because of the many bugs at release and the several big patches, which came afterwards, I waited to play again until now.

Unfortunately I've encountered an annoying portrait art bug. During character creation and the prologue everything is alright, but somewhen during Act 1 the correct portrait art in the "inspiration" screen switches to the default Tav, instead of your created character, which is very much disappointing and frustrating. Please fix it!

I've tested it with a different character, too. This portrait art bug just overwrites your character at some point in the inspiration screen.

This is how my character looks like
[Linked Image from]

The mc is replaced with this during the course of the game
[Linked Image from]
0 48 Read More
Baldur's Gate III - Technical & Gameplay Problems Jump to new posts
Special arrows - sometimes one, sometimes two Buba68 01/07/24 10:25 PM
Maybe already covered in another thread ...
I have an impression that the 1+ range attack characters sometimes can loose a single "special" arrow, being forced to use a "mundane" arrow for their 2nd (and 3rd) shots in that Action. I could live with that, treating the magical arrow as some sort of "bonus action". However, I am sure that there were encounters where I could shoot one smokepowder arrow after another.
Is this one of those it usually works this way things?
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