Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
It's funny how players only judge and condemn the Emperor, but refuse to judge their own character who is literally a repeat of the Emperor's history. Tell me now... why did you not let his Honour guard simply kill you

That's kind of a silly presumption. Let me help you along with my admittedly one-sided and linear approach to this...

So, I was never actually in the astral plane when that happened. I was in my home office playing Baldurs Gate3. Unlike many modern games, this one is not 'open world', and as such, I can't really make my own rules entirely. I am somewhat bound by the narrative of the game. The available options at that time consisted of 'kill the honor guard', or 'Die'. Die is your suggestion, however, if I have a solution that free's orpheus AND is not fatal, I don't think that is a bad move on my part.

You see, at that point in the game, you don't have the orthanc hammer, nor could you. So the 'choice' you're laying out for me (and by extension, my character) doesn't actually exist. As the player I have quite a lot less free-will than the writers.

So, I was never presented with that morality play. My option was die and never try to finish the game, or play along until such time as I could attain the necessary equipment to rescue Orpheus -- I should point out, this is something I would have said to that cocky green man, had the writer of the game provided me such an option, however, once again... I was somewhat bound by the narrative.

Last edited by Croniac; 05/02/24 04:24 AM.