Well I'm talking about our main character, not us as people sitting behind a desk and not having choices we want because we're bound by narrative.

The narrative is crystal clear and it sets the main character as a reflection of the Emperor. Just like the Emperor the main character is also manipulating, exploiting and doing what they have to in order to survive, including killing people who don't deserve it. Orpheus' Honour Guard were just defending their own Prince from ghaik wretches and our main character murdered them for their own needs and then proceeded to exploit the Prince until he either becomes an alternative or doesn't. Regardless of whether we have a choice or not, that's what our main character did and that's why they're the same as the Emperor.

And at the very end the main character has only two choices; either they betray the Emperor who does not deserve it or sacrifice Orpheus who also does not deserve it. That by default makes our main character exactly as the Emperor, a survivor doing what they must in order to survive. There is absolutely no justification one can give me to justify either of them dying, because;

  • On one hand they're betraying the very person who protected them all this time and asking for nothing in return other than to stick to the plan
  • And on the other hand they're sacrificing a Prince who clearly does not deserve it either

No matter how one turns it around, the main character is a bad person too by definition then because in order for them to live, someone who doesn't deserve it must die.