Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Originally Posted by Croniac
As I mentioned earlier, based on the Emperor's actions, there is no way to clearly distinguish if his plan was in fact his own, or if he was playing a role assigned to him by the brain. As soon as his plan goes up in smoke he joins the brain, without hesitation. Abandons 'his?' plan rather completely and this exposes (in my opinion) that he was never a free mindflayer at all, just a tool of the brain whose mission had failed. He then is found fighting to protect the brain, not to protect his freedom, not trying to find another way to bring his plan to completion.

I don't believe that result was the act of the free soul of Balduran in Illithid form. I believe that was the final unravelling of the Absolute's agent.

Actually it's crystal clear because if you don't follow his plan, you die and become a dominated mindflayer. And if you do follow his own plan the Absolute gets killed, everyone becomes free and ends up living a happily ever after.

So what kind of a stupid ass plan would it be for the Absolute to have her own agent deny her the only weapon that can resist her and then sabotage her to get herself killed through her own agent following her own plan? He even steps in to save you before she turns your brain into mush after doing it to Gortash, even says herself that she deliberately set the Emperor free so that he thinks he has a chance of winning over her, which shocks him greatly.

I truly do not understand where this illogical theory comes from when the story is quite coherent, logical and not even written to be confusing.

Originally Posted by saeran
As for the 'should have rejected him politely'. Someone telling you they don't trust you is not the mistreatment you try to make it be. My character called him no rude words. It is not some sort of fantasy racism, since this is what you have tried to compare it before. It is the result of the emperor's own actions; my character had no issues trusting Omellum. And I don't think a slaver who threatens to go back to his old ways is someone who has 'balls between their legs'. He is just another creep who cannot handle rejection.

To clarify I understand your point quite clear and I am not "okay" with the way he lashes out either. But I do understand where it's coming from because unlike Omeluum the Emperor's character has a ton of emphasis around the racial theme of whether he is just a typical mindflayer or an individual. So it does play a huge factor because how the player perceives him is how he ends up behaving.

That's why as a character he's a mirror of the main character. If you're nice to him, he'll be nice to you. If you're not nice, he'll not be nice either.

i ensure, you are using emperor's view to see the game world.

however, emperor isn't the center of the game, and you escape face the emperor's fear -- "fear death".

and you say that no emperor no us, i will say the God of the gods won't allow the chess game be stopped just because of a failed chessman, this you can see my last last post.

Last edited by stevelin7; 05/02/24 06:59 AM.