Originally Posted by Fjormarr
Sex is a part of our lives along countless other facts that were never addressed in BG3. You spend weeks with your companions (in "game time"), facing all kinds of dangers and yet there's no option to develop friendship with any of them. You get to Baldurs Gate and there's no option for a night out. No kidding. All 4, 5, 6 of them or whatever, with your Tav, going out for a beer, telling jokes and stories etc after specific dialogue option you would had made, just like romance. Where's the companionship ? And how much more fitting to the whole story would it be than "romance" ?

RPG relationships still have a long way to go and in many instances are still very much in the same place as they were in Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect. The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 made some headway, but simple friendship stuff still feels absent.

Cyberpunk has a really great example where during one mission your character and about 6 others sit around a campfire. One is playing a low tune on a guitar, you talk together, someone makes a joke, you can drink a beer and after you feel closer to all of them. I was hoping BG3 would have more stuff like that; yet we never see the companions bond as a group of adventurers in camp which seems like a missed opportunity to me. Quiet, group moments like this are just as important as romance scenes I think.