Originally Posted by ValkyrieN7
Originally Posted by WildOrchid
Yeah, I don't get why people keep saying this one fits for a DJ Shadow.. It's ok to be a Selunite and still pull a 'Loviatar' in bed, so to speak. shadowheartsshh

The kiss is nice, I see nothing wrong with that. Well, maybe the armor kissing. She must really like the taste of metal.

I guess for some people Selunite - vanilla bed experience, Shar - the exact opposite. It's pretty funny, not gonna lie shadowheartgiggle

Well, the way they did her epilogue kiss, it wasn�t edgy at all. It was a bit alluring, sweet, and so wholesome. And that�s an indication of what a Selunite kiss might look like. Of course, it�s perfectly fine for you to have your own take on it. But for me personally, I would be upset if the teaser version is the animation that was added for the good path. It does not feel in character. Especially the little jerk to hold the player character still and giving off this vaguely dominating vibe. It reminds me a lot of her Act 3 Dark Justiciar romance scene.

I think you�re right that it�s not dropping today. I�ll have a look again tomorrow.