Originally Posted by Filia
Again, I can just agree to this. One could say, they at least listen to some of the feedback, but more likely the one that fit's their marketing. Like kisses, choking, bear sex and such, you know what I mean.
If they continue just listening to the part of the fanbase, that is loud and horny (and, let's be honest, stick to something for a few months until the next *best xyz of all time* comes out), they are destined to fall.
Can't say for sure, but from what I read, people who are playing TTRPG for a good amount of years now don't really feel like the game did justice to D&D.
But like feedback on this topic is pretty reasonable anyway and won't hurt "horny" fanbase. It is stupid as hell anyway, for example, that Sharran and Selunite SH has exactly the same reactions and lines for act 3 activities. Literally identical dialogues. Don't you think that there perhaps some difference in personality etc. for them? They for sure shoudl separate these paths. Well, looks like they are doing it for Astarion now(spawn/AA), so why shouldn't Selune/Shar SH get this treatment? There is a chance to actually fix what feels OOC for her the same way they are fixing it for Astarion. Not like she is popular for horny fanbase, afaik Halsin and Astarion are way more popular and they are fixing Astarion. Also they fixed Gale and I wouldn't say his fanbase is "horny".

Last edited by Netav; 17/02/24 09:20 PM.