Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Also it seems like Minthara and Halsin no longer share a tent, at least after the first long rest once she's recruited.

Halsin instead moves to a remote place at the camp after a long rest, so it looks like Larian is really going to implement having to choose between Halsin or Minthara in ACT 2.

This option truly can't come soon enough. Actually, I'll be testing something on my Selunite this time:

- Kill Halsin at the goblin camp, but also kill the goblins, protect the grove and knock Minty out. I wonder what's gonna happen in that scenario. Will the game acknowledge his death or he's gonna be suddenly resurrected, because the game isn't programmed with a path like this. Well, I'll keep a save file just in case something breaks.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]