Joined: Feb 2024
To the original question, no. I see it doing more good than harm. BG3 is a great entry point for anyone tryna get in to rpg's.
Joined: Oct 2023
Ah right, I guess I did misinterpret your words, sorry, my bad.
I guess I just use a stricter definition of cash grabs, most of which are games that includes poorly designed or a faithful rendition of the IP and/or greedy monitization methods, of which, usually includes 90% of mobile and GaaS games, which is what Modern Blizzard pumps out nowadays.
And because of that, I don't consider Owlcats stuff to be that, because they do seem to pick IPs that they have a fondness for and are generally well designed, if abit rushed. Perhaps their next game is an IP that their writers hate using a simplistic ruleset, chosen soley from the surveys, in which case you can say "I told you so".
And also, for BG3, I wouldn't have considered it to be a cash grab until I heard that quote. Mostly because they do seem to be fans of the concept of DnD but, seemingly, not the rest of it.
Last edited by Thunderbolt; 21/02/24 07:29 PM. Reason: Clarifying details
Joined: Nov 2023
there are clear cases where acts choices bleed into each other : tiefling refugees, the hag and Mayrina, Scratch, Minthara, many companion decisions, the nightsong and the list goes on now tell me how many of them cannot be described as "hey player, you need to choose between something and nothing, what would you prefer?" you know, if you lose a couple of fingers on your right arm it still will be your right arm it will become a bit incomplete, sure, but its still the same arm
Last edited by freezeme; 22/02/24 12:48 PM.
Joined: May 2019
Yeah this is the worst thing of all about BG3. They talk a good talk about being a game of choices and consequences, but it is complete BS. Sure, it has a ton of choices, but all of them are entirely superficial and meaningless, where they give people the feeling, the *illusion*, of a choice even though nothing meaningfully happens or changes in the world or the story or the quest. BG3 is the most railroady RPG of all time. I remember Larian talking about it. Their goal wasn't to make a tree root-like structure which would have been unthinkable for a game with such scale a production value, it is to give choices in the context of an act and wrap it up for the next act. Does that mean that BG3 choice is just an illusion? Absolutely not, there are clear cases where acts choices bleed into each other : tiefling refugees, the hag and Mayrina, Scratch, Minthara, many companion decisions, the nightsong and the list goes on. Sure it pales in comparison of some games (Pathfinder comes to mind) but you are being disingenuous by saying that it is an "illusion", and flat out wrong with your last statement. And yet, we have @Gray Ghost and @Black_Elk and many, many others, both here in this forum and in other forums, saying what they're saying. And I choose to believe them.
Joined: Oct 2020
And yet @Black Elk finished BG3 multiple times, Honour mode included. He couldn't do it, if he thought the game is bad, could he? I choose to believe he does indeed love it.
Last edited by Cahir; 22/02/24 07:51 PM.
Joined: May 2019
And yet @Black Elk finished BG3 multiple times, Honour mode included. He couldn't do it, if he thought the game is bad, could he? I choose to believe he does indeed love it. Nice strawman.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
And yet @Black Elk finished BG3 multiple times, Honour mode included. He couldn't do it, if he thought the game is bad, could he? I choose to believe he does indeed love it. Do not know these individuals but are they streamers? The reason I ask is often a streamer will keep playing a game they hate because it gets them views. I know a guy that had a SUPER successful Minecraft stream for a few years. he HATED the game but it made him money. Also just because a person finds flaws with a game does not mean they "hate" it. I have played through BG3 more than a few times and feel that in many ways I am enjoying my Kingmaker play through more. However that does not mean I HATE or LOVE BG3. It means the game was fun for a while and now I am moving to other things.
Joined: Oct 2020
I've never streamed anything. It sounds like a particular form of custom difficulty hell that I'd have particular trouble enduring - like hearing my own voice on an answering machine or something lol. I mean you think my writing is long winded and rambling and forgettable, just put a camera in my face and watch me shut the hell up immediately hehe. I'd accidentally burn myself in effigy from pure embarrassment, before even figuring out how the tech works probably. I have watched streams though, and found the BG3 streams quite entertaining.
I'm old enough that video cameras and microphones that fit into one's pocket are still a complete novelty, and definitely not my comfort zone. It's unfortunate (for my way of being at least) because modern communication is probably better handled with visual support and voice to humanize the pathos and such. Also many media consumers these days aren't willing to pay for anything that doesn't have a time signature, and even stuff with a time signature is trending that way. Like take image and text, and peeps now expect short form video and music to also be totally free, as if it were free to create. Labours of love I guess, in most people's estimation, even though it's some of the hardest stuff to do, and to do well.
I gather it's much more direct and easier to share a brief video, and I admire people who can hang with that, and who know how to do it well. I can't. A director would know when to cut. A writer would know when to stop. An actor would hit their marks and wouldn't flub their lines. I'm none of those.
You would never get a hot takes video out of me that wasn't mainly and mostly about my dogs, cause I just won't give google or meta or amazon any more of myself than that. That's cause I trust google and meta and amazon about as much as I trust the sound of my own recorded voice played back for me sometimes. Discord is a 'place to talk' but I'd still prefer to play pen pal with it, at a one step remove, writing letters that are likely to get lost with time. Even if it means I will be perpetually giving bits rather than receiving them, no view counts or anything like that to fret off. The whole reason I like these boards is because they are the Larian boards, without intermediaries, and don't need to be everything else in the world all ay the same time coming at me. For everything else, there's everything else hehe. All that wealth of data is also probably getting crunched into AIs as we speak, and the endgame is likely to replace us all with robot dopelgangers at the earliest possible opportunity, so that also gives me pause.
I do love this game though! I thought that was pretty clear!
I think it's an amusing allegory for our times, and it hit at just the right time for me, when my previous life in Barbecue Technologies got upended. You know, when the world shut down. BG3 was born of the plague times for me, and I will be forever grateful that it exists, so my views on it are colored by that. It was a solace and a comfort in trying times, and this it remains. It doesn't really have to keep justifying itself for me. I already love it, for what it's already given, though because I love it, I want it to succede and live well and makes new friends. And to single handedly save Dungeons & Dragons again, like BG1 and BG2 did the last time around, cause that would be clutch!
Last edited by Black_Elk; 23/02/24 10:13 PM.
Joined: May 2019
I do love this game though! I thought that was pretty clear! Absolutely! And that's all the more reason for me to value your critiques of the flaws of the game. You are someone who loves the game overall, and yet are willing to be honest about its flaws and shortcomings.
Joined: Jan 2024
I'm still trying to figure out what the author meant by "bad for the genre". First of all which genre? Overall, I really enjoy the game, as it is D&D, which I like, and I get to play every member of the party. I remember I used to get SO frustrated when other party members did something I didn't like, so this has been a godsend for me. Of course, the earlier versions were the same, in that sense. I get to be the general. My opinion of BG3 is that it has been a welcome diversion!!!!!