Originally Posted by Zayir
Originally Posted by Ametris
Zayir, you mentioned Dark Urge Diaries somewhere. She's improved the scene with the free camera tool. This is so much better! No ridiculous faces from Tav.

Thank you for posting this. I have seen all 3 kisses with a camera tool now, and what I can tell you about it: Tav clenches his fist in every kiss and is never touching Astarion. Except one time, where he wants to grab out for Astarion's arm,who is holding Tav's chin, maybe to stop him, it isn't clear ( in the karlach kiss).
Even in the bite kiss, where it seems Tav could enjoy it, he is not showing it in his body language. (While Astarion push him deeper, because of the bite, Tav refuses) So, I can confirm this is pure sadism without any kind of love (especially shown in Tav)

You can't just unleash such harsh sadism on the players after Kiss patch 5, but at the the same time censor all the sex scenes and make them fluffy - it doesn't go well, lol.

OMG that's ghastly. It's just mind-boggling what they're doing.

Did they censor more sex scenes? Other than ascended romance scene as usual.

Originally Posted by DarkAngelBeckons
Now that I could finally log back into the forums.....someone posted Dark Urge Diaries New Kisses Free Cam video above this comment. I put my statements under that video if you all want to or care to read them because I will not retype them all over again. The "abusive" look to these kisses is coming from the devs treating Astarion as a "true vampire" master instead of the ascended one that was written & explained up until this patch (6) by parts of the Larian studio. Yet, the animations & a handful of devs (whoever decided this kisses route) have turned it into something quite different without explaining their reasons behind it. They are simply making the game a good vs evil only. There is no gray in the matter (which is the DnD aspect of it EXCEPT for 5e, but you can not ignore that vampires are written about in 2e). But if you know how vampires are and have the books to reference, this whole kiss animation is for a true vampire, not an ascended one as described. It also confirms that the entire Astarion story is written one way and another department sees him differently & does not explain that this is what their plan was. It is left out of the player's hands and takes away choice by the player with their judgment & that is not the reason I chose to play the game. If they wanted Astarion to act like a true vampire, then do not come up with the story of him getting back the appetites of man, the abilities of a spawn such as sex and so forth, if they are going to take all that away & not explain it and confuse their own story (and the rituals they intentionally used for this character). Even in the epilogue, he states he gives Tav power, wealth, and pleasure (well he can't do the last one if he is a true vampire). The story and animations do not match.

Very good post and I liked your detailed explanations under the video. I totally agree with you! It's contradictions over and over again. The "good" vs "evil" is not what an RPG should be like, otherwise it's just propaganda, where they show clear bias towards one side. I really want to have an epilogue to the evil ending, especially now that Astarion and Minthara are treated properly in it.
I would like to see Astarion and Minthara approach the throne and put their hand on Tav's shoulder. Also, Tav's line changed to "In our name".

Originally Posted by Mordred92
Making the face of the TAV scared and sad during kisses, in my opinion, is equivalent to a strong imposition on the part of the developers.

It's the same crap they pulled when making Tav only horny for Astarion's body or power or being a moralising paladin. Which yet again, is contradictory. Previously, they made Tav into a sex-crazed nympho who only ascended Astarion out of horniness for him, but now they make them not enjoy the kisses. So are they sex-crazed or not? It's all so ridiculous, words fail me.

Originally Posted by melgreg
One thing I find odd, is that Ascended Astarion flat out tells Tav he wants to kiss them with his blood on their lips - that he can�t wait. It feels like such an obvious thing to have worked into the new animations. Perhaps we should have gotten Tav biting Astarion�s lip and Astarion just becoming drunk with lust.

I like that idea!

Originally Posted by melgreg
That�s how I have always viewed the Tav/Ascendant relationship. It�s presented as decadent, hedonistic, and opportunistic rather than gentle or loving. Again, I actually love the masochist and domineering side of the Ascendent. This is the man who salivates over watching you with the priest of Loviator, so it fits.

I�m just tired of being force fed the abuse/trapped narrative. It�s a valid interpretation but this is role play, it should not be the only story I get to tell, especially when the narrator flat out says �but perhaps you wish to degrade yourself and he knows it�.

Yes, they take away our roleplay options because someone at Larian has a boner for the abuser theme. This is the only evil male romance in the game. I don't want to it be ruined for some hamfisted morality lessons. Let's also not forget about the state of the Minthara romance. It's a bloody video game, where you should be able to play the way you want.

On another note, his new spawn kiss is not the best either. The angle is bad and was the first thing that struck me in it. I hope they change it to this one:
