I'm gonna speak up to say that I think Owlcat games' stuff is great. Do they have flaws? Sure they do, what game doesn't? But I think the whole is better than the sum of their parts, and those parts in general are overall pretty good. Wrath of the Righteous is my favorite game, I think it's fantastic. I'm also currently in the middle of my second playthrough of Rogue Trader in a row. I'd been playing through Kingmaker again and the only reason I didn't finish it was because Rogue Trader came along. The games are massive and they make real swings when it comes to systems. You may not like the systems they add to their games (I actually really do) but they're trying to add something to mix up the genre and I think the games would be lesser for their absence. I also think their writing is excellent. They have a style of storytelling that I absolutely love, that puts the focus on the player in a way I think highlights some of the best aspects of the genre. Saying they're just out to produce cash grabs ignores the amount of work that goes into them. Could their games use more time in the oven? Yeah, definitely- I'm not a fan of the loading screens but they don't annoy me all that much personally - but that's a problem that seems to just be all over the PC gaming landscape nowadays, I don't think they're any more or less guilty of that than some other studios. Hell, look how long it's taking BG3 to get things together.
I also did not think when I took the survey that they were actually looking at those IPS to make games of. I took it more as them just wanting a broader sense of what their fanbase is interested in, not a direct "what's our next game going to be?" question. I mean, I love them but do you really think there's any chance they get their hands on the license for Lord of the rings or Mistborn?