Joined: Feb 2024
First time posting here, hopefully it's okay to slightly spoilery in this thread. There seems to be a bigger bug regarding enemy of justice (I see it mentioned above). Mine didn't trigger in Act 2.
I started an honor mode game, patch 6 hit a couple weeks after (I play slowly). I killed off the Goblins, partied with the Druids, then headed out to the Creche. Even after partying, I returned to my previous spot - in the Grove - and no one attacked me or anything.
So my next stop was the Creche and upon zoning in, I ended up getting flagged as "Enemy of Justice." Never had seen it before, so I Googled it. Results said maybe I missed someone in the Goblin area, could be I'd be hostile to them in Blighted Village or somewhere else. Fine. Walked forward and the vendor right after entering the monastary area - allied with the society of whatever decides to attack me.
Search some more Google results - can't clear it, can't do anything about it, and the best guess is to go back to the Emerald Grove and kill someone in there in hopes it might do something. Or reload to a previous save ... oh wait, can't do that.
Edit: So I hid my character and had the rest of my characters sell to the vendor (and buy). Fine. As soon as my character came into view after - fight. Whatever, I don't have a lot of time to play and today is a holiday. She dies. Explore the monastary and head into the creche - everyone's hostile. VO says the same thing it said at the merchant - won't forget I killed someone allied with these guards.
Last edited by Zarrin; 19/02/24 07:46 PM.
Joined: Jul 2023
The scene at grymforce where you give Shadowheart the Shar idol, it doesn't trigger a kiss scene when you play as Selunite cleric. I assume it's still not fixed.
Joined: Oct 2023
It is not just Lann Tarv or Tali, if you kill certain merchants, the game crashes, possibly due to the inventory changes. Yeah.. it's every merchant. My Honour Mode run is stuck in a fight with the gith merchant in the githyanki creche act 1. Everytime I kill her the game crashes - I tried about twenty times (kill, knock-out, fall to death) and nothing worked. I'm on PC and really frustrated.
Last edited by Radeel; 19/02/24 06:37 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2023
The scene at grymforce where you give Shadowheart the Shar idol, it doesn't trigger a kiss scene when you play as Selunite cleric. I assume it's still not fixed. Nope, it isn’t fixed! Which is especially unfortunate considering that this was advertised as the “kiss” patch. My favorite kiss still hasn’t even been put back in the game. It’s been broken since patch 4. HELP LARIAN, send a hotfix! Also I can CONFIRM that the trading window does have a significant delay, about 10 seconds between opening it and being able to interact with any of the trader’s items. And this is the case even in saves that were started prior to patch 6, and even in act 3. So it appears to be a systemic issue. I can also confirm that killing Lann Tarv at Moonrise does produce a noticeable delay. I don’t normally sell him that much stuff, however, so his inventory was fairly small. I do think that the degree of lag (or outright crashing) must depend on how many items he has in his inventory. This is probably related to the other new issues with the trading system, somehow. A temporary fix may be what another player has mentioned, emptying as much as you can from a trader’s inventory before you have to kill them. This would probably be very difficult on honor mode, though.
Joined: Dec 2023
Yeah.. it's every merchant. My Honour Mode run is stuck in a fight with the gith merchant in the githyanki creche act 1. Everytime I kill her the game crashes - I tried about twenty times (kill, knock-out, fall to death) and nothing worked. I'm on PC and really frustrated. That's why I've decided to put the game aside for now. It's a game stopping bug, depending on where you are in your playthrough.
Joined: Mar 2020
I've found the following workarounds:
With any merchant wait 40 seconds or so. It seems they have two inventories. Their standard one and a dynamic one. Wait for both to come up.
Exit merchant menu.
Repeat. The delay should be lessened.
If you were caught stealing wait for 1 minute and do nothing. If the game still hangs take each individual character to camp and then quick travel somewhere else.
Hopefully a hotfix will come soon but until then . . .
Joined: Feb 2024
The game crashes after killing Hag in Act 1. Apparently this is due to the large number of items in her inventory that I sold to her.
Joined: Feb 2024
My Game crashed 3 times after I tried trading with the Harfner merchant in last light inn and later with the same merchant in moonrise tower. And very annoyingly I cant throw my throwing weapons directly from my equiped charackter anymore. Instead i have to unequip them first and only then I can right click on them.
Joined: Feb 2024
My game started consistently crashing after I stole the idol in Emerald Grove – I'm playing on PS5, and have The Dark Urge, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Astarion in the active group. With splitscreen, my significant otter and I couldn't even finish the initial fight at the worshipping circle, but in single-player mode, we made it through the fight. After going up to finish the other druids, the game started crashing during the start of the fight. We tried about five or six times, and each time after the first or second player turn, we couldn't make any actions although the UI was somewhat responsive, meaning that we could move the screen/cursor. After some 20 seconds, the game would then crash. Rinse and repeat... We have now put the game aside as we couldn't figure out a way to proceed. 
Last edited by Kiyoshirue; 20/02/24 08:06 AM.
Joined: Feb 2024
The game has become unplayable with Patch 6. I hope Larian releases a hotfix soon, or at least a way to go back to pre Patch 6. After installing the patch, I experienced the following problems among some other minor issues not worth mentioning. (I play on PS5, no mods):
- It takes 20-50 seconds for merchants to load their inventory. When ending the conversation with a merchant there is often a "freeze" for 10-30 seconds, during this time, the merchant's animation moves but nothing else happens. - Fights have become intolerable laggy, especially if enemies are in another room or on another level than the party. I had two fights after installing the patch: First one during the Free the Artist quest in Act. 3 when you have to fight the Poltergeist and Tormented Soul enemies at Lady Jannath's Estate, it took each between 20-60 seconds to make their turn during the fight. Second one was the final fight at the end of the Investigate the Suspicious Toys Quest when you have to kill all Banites at Felogyr’s Fireworks, it also took the enemies at least 20-60 seconds to make their turn during the fight. - During the second fight I mentioned above (kill all Banites at Felogyr’s Fireworks) the game crashed three times in a row, so I cannot end the quest. This may be because you also have to kill the secretary during the fight, who is also a merchant, albeit with a very small inventory.
My overall impression is that Larian totally messed it up with Patch 6, especially with the merchants. I'm also going to put the game aside for now until the bugs are fixed.
Last edited by Loekonaut; 20/02/24 10:04 AM.
Joined: Feb 2024
Minthara's reaction to many events is replaced with the line about Emperor and Orpheus and not just in the beginnig. I spoted it in act 2 after Astarion learns abot his scars, after nightsong, after Mizora and some others.
Joined: Dec 2023
Please restore darkness and fog cloud to state before Patch 5. My favorite spells have been completely broken.
Last edited by odashikonbu; 20/02/24 11:25 AM.
Joined: Aug 2014
The three magicians in front of Sorcerous Sundries still do not perform, although it was reported to have been fixed in an earlier patch.
Joined: Feb 2024
- Jaheira leaves your party after killing Ketheric / Prophet (not sure if this is new or existing) but is then in your camp in Act 3. She is not selectable in your party though
- Spiritual Weapon - some options say Level 5, some say Level 2. But all can be summoned at any level from Level 2 upwards
- Quartermaster Tali (only merchant I've seen since patch 6 as I spent about 10 hours trying to find a workaround for Jaheira leaving) - really slow and unresponsive
- In camp, Halsin doesn't go back to his tent
- In camp, if you have your characters in their combat gear, they flick to their camp gear when you interact with them
This is all on Xbox Series X
I have no idea how there are so many new bugs introduced with a patch reading some of the comments on here. But the Jaheira one is REALLY annoying because I now miss out on some Act 3 quests and I liked her as a character in my team (not a fan of Halsin!)
Joined: Aug 2023
Somehow , i can see a lot of more bugs happen on consoles since my game today seems pretty good to play. Not even 1 second delay in vendors tabs anymore and a lot of problems i saw i have never encountered on PC.
Joined: Feb 2024
Already reported this but dropping this here in case anyone else experiences it;
I'm seeing a very nasty bug causing huge CPU/Memory use during the battle with Gekh Coal and his Duergar in the Decrepit Beach Underdark area. I've tested and it is repeatable. I have Glut with me, approaching from the Myconid village - Gekh's "rotflower" dialogue that initiates combat does not play; all Duergar immediately aggro and during Novice Garmor's turn both CPU & Memory spike and the game becomes unresponsive (98% before I force closed with task manager). Thankfully this can be avoided by approaching from the side (where the waypoint/fast travel rune is).
No mods, new campaign started when Patch #6 released.
Last edited by alienspacebats; 20/02/24 11:00 PM.
Joined: Feb 2024
+1 for the vendor bugs but wanted to add: frequently during combat, enemies will not take their turn at all, they do nothing until their turn times out.
This happened in the fight for the druid Grove, the fight with Isobel and Marcus in last light, and random fights in act 2 against shadows (trash mobs).
In one instance (goblins attacking the Grove), minthara never took her turn and the game locked up. Had to shut it down from steam.
Last edited by gmontag; 21/02/24 01:38 AM. Reason: Added more specifics
Joined: Nov 2023
Epilogue bugs:
1. Upon loading the saves the titles under characters' names don't always show up. 2. God Gale doesn't spawn when skipping the introductory cutscene. Only Tara is there. 3. Ascended Astarion has new animations during dialogues but they trigger only once in a blue moon and instead the old ones are there almost all the time. I saw them 3 times after many reloads.
Joined: Aug 2015
Seems hotfix 18 completely broke the script extender & mods due to something being wrong with the games exe file itself, i dont know the technical details but the game is no longer loading files properly. More info at https://github.com/Norbyte/bg3se/issues/293 and other similar posts there. Please fix asap, not only is the game unplayable for many players but people can easily corrupt their save files without knowing anything is wrong until its too late (good bye honor save)...
Joined: Feb 2024
Gauntlet of Shar : The leap of faith trial had 50% of its pathway hidden(missing) where usually you can see most of the path in previous runs luckily had potion of glorious vaulting to complete it another way but I found it strange (Xbox X)
Goblin Camp : some of the ai goblins are walking around as if walking in glue and fairly erratically this is the courtyard in particular noticeable when looking towards the bonfire .
Worg Pen fight froze my character in position took a while for it to swap to another to kill a 4 HP Goblin
Druid grove Fight hard crashing and sticking fighters in combat but they're not actually taking an action , skip and end turn not working.
Cazador fight spawns turned hostile locking me in combat and no cutscene had to walk out to the caged area to re trigger the cutscene again during this turns were being locked out and couldn't cycle through characters with ease.
seems to have a few seconds delay on attacks hitting after being cast