Originally Posted by Crimsomrider
Sigh... two months of waiting for this...

So it looks like this new bug where Minthara talks about the Emperor is far more severe than I initially thought. It's overriding all her reactive commentary, meaning she'll keep repeating this bugged line over the originally intended comments every single time when there's a newly developed situation throughout ACT 2 and ACT 3. So yeah, Larian REALLY broke her again...

I'm so glad that these forums have 30000 threads about every stupid topic in existence regarding sex, romance and other trivial bullshit that span up to 30 pages long, as Larian adds even more content to existing functional companions...

Meanwhile Minthara who is completely broken since Early Access, lacking content and only gets more broken with each update? Yeah screw her... the only thing her fans can hope for is that her pitifully miniscule incohesive content that's barely holding together doesn't break even further, but apparently can't even get that either.

I definitely want to highlight this comment because, even as someone who doesn’t want to romance Minthara, I would like to be able to get to know her as a companion. And it is egregious that she is still in such deplorable condition so many months after release. It is very frustrating that Larian has a pattern of tinkering with something a little bit, only to break it (or something closely related to it) completely. (Just one example being, adding content for Mol in Act 3, and then her entire scene in act 2 breaks.) This is an egregious bug, not just because it ruins Minthara as a character by removing her reactivity, but also because it spoils one of the most massive reveals in the game. So I hope they set to fixing it as soon as they’re able. Help us out with another hotfix, Larian?

As much as I adore Shadowheart, I strongly agree with you that other companions should be fully functioning before even my darling gets (more) new content.

Last edited by Ecc2ca; 21/02/24 01:43 AM.